Ch 13: Donut's the new host?

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Four was acting a lot more violent then he usually is. He's been screeching and zapping everyone, without them even doing anything to agitate him. At least he was staying away from you, mostly since he knew he would have to take a lot of time to recover you if he killed you.

You noticed that Yellow Face was doing some sort of ad with some earmuffs. Four interrupted the ad by screeching into one end of the earmuffs.

"Four! Stop screeching! It's not even funny anymore!" Foldy complained to Four.

Four responded by mutilating Foldy, with a smile on his face. Stapy then threw a fork at Four in anger.

"How DARE you mutilate my friend, Foldy!" Stapy shouted.

Four then shot a beam out his hand, blasting Stapy away. The whole situation was complete chaos, and there seemed to be no end to it...

"Geez! Four's destruction keeps getting more and more ruthless! We gotta stop it! O leader 8-Ball, what do we do?" Basketball asked.

"The answer to that question lies with Golf Ball." 8-Ball said, surprising Golf Ball.

"You really think so? Well, hm, any number times zero equals zero, right?" Golf Ball said.

"That may be true, but how does that help us?" Tennis Ball questioned.

"Four's a number. Let's multiply HIM by zero." Golf Ball said, looking over at Four, then Donut.

"Huh? This can't be real." Donut complained.

That was... actually a smart plan that Golf Ball had. Since multiplying Four by zero would cause Four to disappear. Huh, you wondered how they would accomplish that though...


Four quickly revived Bubble, Lightning and Foldy. Cake at steak was about to start, and you were wondering which member of Team BEEP would be eliminated.

"It's time for the return of the Beep Beep!"

"Well that's not our team name!" Balloony said.

Roboty then spoke in morse code again, which you didn't understand. Balloony then looked at Roboty with an annoyed look.

"Roboty, you're not helping!" Balloony said.

"We got 20,196 votes, Beepians." Four announced, X changing the 0 to a 1 while Four wasn't looking.

"Ya lost last time, so the six of you with the fewest votes gets to turn orange, and the most voted contestant is poo-pooed!" Four said.

"Cloudy is safe at only 956 votes." Four said, then Cloudy turned orange.

"Now I'm made out of evaporated tangerine juice? Disgusting!" Cloudy said.

"X! Who's also safe?" Four asked his cohost.

"Nickle, Rocky, Balloony and Woody!" X said happily, as each of the safe contestants turn orange.

"Now it's down to David and Roboty!" Four said.

"Aw, dreariously?" David said.

"The only two non-objects on the team." Four said.

"What? Objection!" Nickle companied, while Roboty beeped.

"Four, are you implying that I'm just... an object?" Nickle asked.

"I think someone is criticizing me. I don't like criticism!" Four said, raising a hand in the air.

You noticed that team Better Namers were on a ski on a hill near the cake at steak area. Donut was standing next to X, who was standing next to Four.

You watched as the ski slid down the hill. It pushed into Donut, then X, and finally Four. There was a sudden bright light, causing you to cover your eyes.

An unfamiliar world (BFB x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now