Ch 6: Homesick

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You sat on the ground, against the wall of the bathrooms. This is the place where the portal brought you into this world.

You somewhat regret exploring the old ruins, since you could've stayed home. But at the same time, you had no idea that a portal would bring you into this world.

You started to cry, you wanted to go back home. After a bit, you felt someone touch your shoulder.

"Is everything okay? I couldn't help but noitce that you're crying." Pie said.

You looked over, noticing that it was Pie. She sat next to you, looking up at you.

"It's um, well... I want to leave this place and go back home." You said.

You then explained to Pie about wanting to leave and how you're feeling homesick. Which after a few minutes turned into you talking about the elimination.

"Then everyone is so calm after the elimination except for me. It's... unsettling." You said.

Pie didn't expect you to vent your feelings to her. She looked around for a bit, then looked at you.

"Well, most of us objects have been trapped the TLC, along with the LOL. Most of us don't remember for how long, but we were able to escape." Pie said.

"Uh... what?" You asked in confusion.

"The TLC and the LOL were big metal containers used to contain eliminated contestants. Or those who didn't compete in Bfdia." Pie explained.

You didn't know how to feel. Being trapped in a giant metal container because you lost, or didn't compete? It sounded like torture to you.

"I don't... even know what to say. But, I don't think I can take this much longer." You said, as you started to cry.

She started to pat your back, hoping to provide some sort of comfort. She thought for a bit, then spoke.

"We can ask the others on our team if they want to help you get used to living here." Pie said.

"You think they'd do that?" You asked.

"I'm sure they will. We're on the same team afterall." Pie replied.

You both stood up and walked over towards your team's home. You both entered,  noticing Tree, Bottle and Remote sitting on the couch.

You walked into the living room, and sat down on the floor. Pie then sat next to you.

"Is everything alright with y/n? They seem sad." Tree questioned, noticing that you were still crying a bit.

"He's homesick. So I wanted to ask if you three want to help y/n get usedto living here." Pie said.

"Sure, we don't mind. But what can we do to help?" Tree asked.

"We could play a few board games. Maybe that'll help?" Remote suggested.

"Hehe, that sounds like fun!" Bottle said happily.

"What about the others?" You questioned.

"Well, Pen is with Eraser and Blocky. Pillow is off doing her research, and Liy is trying to save lives. Oh, and Black Hole is floating around in the sky." Remote said.

You nodded your head, as Tree got up from the couch. He grabbed a few board games from underneath the couch and set them on the floor.

The five of you decided to play a game called goikopoly. It seemed similar to monopoly, but the spaces were all named differently.

You played for a while, not really paying attention and enjoying the moment. Everything felt so calm, and you enjoyed that.

Then you noticed that you were low on money. There wasn't many safe spaces to land on, since nearly everyone had a color set with houses.

When you rolled the dice, you landed on one of Bottle's spaces. Turned out that you didn't have enough money to pay the rent, which meant you lost.

"Huh, I lost." You said, a bit suprised at the luck you had.

"Well, it's alright. You can go and eat something while the rest of us play." Tree said.

You got up and went into the kitchen. You didn't realize you were starving until now.

You got some leftovers and microwaved it. Then you sat down on the couch with your food and began to eat.

It didn't take long for the game to finish, and the winner turned out to be Tree. You helped put away the game after you finished eating.

The five of you continued to play games together until nighttime. You helped put the games away, then ate dinner.

You then went to your room and got in bed. You were about to fall asleep when you heard a knock on the door.

"Come in." You said, yawning a bit.

Pie walked in, looking around the inside of your bedroom. Then she walked next to your bed.

"So, are you feeling any better?" Pie questioned.

"A bit, yeah." You responded.

"That's good to hear. Hopefully you'll get used to living here soon." Pie said.

"Yeah..." You said.

You were slowly starting to get used to living here. It would take a while, but at least you'd adapt.

Pie then walked out of your bedroom, closing the door behind her. You then drifted off into a deep slumber...

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