19 | do people not understand locks?

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S1 E9

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S1 E9

who's zoomin' who?

"SO?" GEORGE ASKS ALEX, who was looking at him to see if he's got syphilis in the locker room.

"Dude, you've got syphilis." Alex nods, when the locker room door opens.

Maddison has a stunned look on her face as she sees George pull up his pants and Alex walks out.

"Do people not understand locks?" Maddison questions.

MADDISON OPENS THE DOOR to the storage room, with stacks of files in her hands, pausing when she sees someone was already in there.

"Dr. William." She greets.

"Dr. Sloan." Liam nods. "Are you feeling better?"

"Oh, yes." She replies, stepping into the small room to put the files back. Liam takes a step back and lets her reach the storage in front of him. She puts the files down and turns around, her back to the shelf. "Thank you... you know, for helping me..."

"It was not a problem." Liam replies.

Maddison looks up at him and they both look at each other. Oblivious to Maddison, a file behind her was slipping out of it's place, and Liam promptly stop it from falling, resulting in him trapping the intern between him and the shelf.

"Uh..." Maddison lets out a breath, and Liam notices the small distance between them.

They both don't say anything, caught in a trance, when Liam looks down at her lips, looking back up again.

Both of them lean forward, lips an inch apart...

A pager goes off and they both jump apart.

Liam checks his pagers, and looks up at Maddison who had a light blush on her cheeks.

"I-uh." He shutters out. "I gotta-" He points to the exit.

"Y-Yeah." Maddison nods. "Same, I-um- I also have-" She points to the other side and after one last look, Liam walks out.

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