53 | at least he's a hot stranger

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S2 E17

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S2 E17

as we know it

DYLAN SLOWLY WRAPS A flak jacket to Meredith, while Maddison and Cristina were already wearing on.

"You both realize how stupid that was." Dylan says to the interns.

"Yeah, thank you for reminding." Maddison replies.

"It was guys." Cristina tells them, squeezing the ambu bag. "Incredibly stupid!"

"Okay you know when you don't need to be made fun of?" Meredith asks her. " Like when you've got your hand inside a body that's got a bomb in it and a stranger is Velcro-ing a flak jacket to your boobs."

"At least he's a hot stranger." Maddison adds, and Dylan looks at her, not knowing whether to to confused or amused.

"Ok." Cristina sighs.

"You've got a sense of irony." Dylan comments.

"Only when things are really ironic." Meredith replies, then turns to the two. "I had a feeling."

The two other interns give her a 'are you serious right now' look.

"What's that?" Dylan asks.

"Nothing." Meredith replies, looking at the two.

"I was feeling terrible." Maddison sighs.

"Really?" The other two turn to her, giving her dirty looks.

BURKE WALKS DOWN the OR hallway, when he passes the OR where Bailey's husband was, the door opens, and Liam walks out.

"Dr. William?" Burke's eyebrows furrow.

"Dr. Burke." Liam replies, taking his gloves off, and letting the door close behind him. "Just the man I was looking for. I hear you have a bomb in a body cavity."

"Oh, uh, yes." Burke hesitates a little, not knowing if he should tell Liam about Maddison's situation or not.

"I'd be happy to help." Liam tells him, starting to walk towards the other OR.

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