68 | at least you're having sex

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S2 E24

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S2 E24

damage case

"AND THIS IS THE father, Big Jim." George tells them and they all give him a look. "I don't call him Big Jim. The family, they call him Big Jim."

Bailey, Maddison, Alex, Izzie and George stood in the viewing room, looking at the family's scans.

"Oh, stupid hicks." Alex mutters.

"Really? Being Southern makes you stupid?" George turns to him. "Do you know that he owns half of Alabama."

"Yeah. And I bet he even washes his hands after he pees." Izzie comments.

"That's uncalled for." George tells her.

"Oh, for God's sake." Maddison groans.

"This is a place of business." Bailey cuts in, the turns to Maddison and George. "Discharge the mother, discharge the father."

"Okay." Maddison nods.

"Yes, Dr. Bailey." George adds.

"Karev, get the husband to the OR for surgery." Bailey turns to Alex, just as Addison enters the room.

"Dr. Karev, there you are." Addison turns to him. "You're supposed to be up on OB/GYN rounding on my patients."

"Oh, yeah, I got paged. 911." Alex tells her. "Pregnant mom. Car accident. Very serious."

"Pity. I've got three surgeries on the board. I was gonna ask you to scrub in, but I guess you should stay by that pregnant lady's side all day." Addison replies, and turns to Bailey, before walking out. "You see to it, Dr. Bailey?"

"Karev, go find your patient." Bailey nods. "Stevens, scrub in on Noah's patella fracture."

"The She-Shepherd just walks in here and pulls me off surgery?" Alex asks.

"You burn the She-Shepherd, she burns back. Go." Bailey simply replies.

"OH, HEY, MADDISON!" Lucas lets out a relieved sigh, as the intern walks into his room. "I thought you guys forgot about me."

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