Chapter 15

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As they pass the sign welcoming them to Holmes Chapel Cassie lets out a squeal of excitement. "Dadee! We get ice cweam now?" She asks her father grin on her face. If there was one thing Louis knew would get his daughter to listen or be excited for it was her love of ice cream. 

He turns to looks at Harry "Are you wanting to join us? Or are you sick of us yet?" Louis asks amusement in his voice. He is met with a grin coming from the younger lad. "I would love to join if you guys will have me." He says and Louis just shakes his head, as if either of the Tomlinson's would say no to having Harry tag along.

If Cassie's squeal of excitement wasn't conformation enough the words coming out of her mouth next solidified that. "Pwease 'Arreh come?" She begs. "I would love to." Harry nods and changes lanes to turn towards the ice cream shop. Louis doesn't bother holding back his smile as he watches the boy next to him drive him and his daughter to an ice cream parlour without hesitation.

It isn't long before Harry is pulling into the car park in front of the ice cream shop. It is a small shop, that sells only ice cream run by an older couple in their late 60's who opened it a few years ago wanting to be apart of the community more. 

As they enter the shop they are met with a sweet aroma of fresh made waffle cones and different sweet toppings. There is a natural stained rustic wooden front counter a muted forest green counter top. Behind  the counter is a wall filled with different toppings, machine to make the waffle cones in the corner. Beside the front counter is a deep freezer with a glass cover filled with a multitude of ice creams flavours. There are booths and tables scattered throughout the shop, the same muted forest green covering the chairs and a natural stained table top on every table help up by a thick silver leg in the centre. 

"Mmm smell nummy!" Cassie grins as they enter the parlour. Louis smiles down at her, her small fingers wrapped in Louis larger ones. Her blue eyes shining up at him in excitement pulling him forward towards the counter. "It does doesn't it." He chuckles. 

Harry is on the other side of Cassie when they reach the counter, he leans down to pick her up when he sees her craning her neck to peer in side the freezer. "Which one are you thinking of getting munchkin?" He asks 

"Mmm I fink chooccy one!" She giggles pointing to the double chocolate container. "Mmm good choice." Harry hums. "Dadee going to get mint Choco chip. Dats him faboite." Cassie whispers to Harry in the way that three year old's whispers. Meaning everyone standing next to her heard. 

Louis bites back a chuckle knowing that she isn't wrong, he gets mint chocolate chip every time that they go for ice cream. "Good to know." Harry smiles. 

After they order they head to a small booth in the corner of the room, Cassie sits next to her father while Harry sits across from them. She falls in top easy chatter talking about everything that comes to her three year old brain. The sugar going straight to her head. The two men find themselves laughing and smiling the entire time neither minding the toddlers continuous blabbering. 

Louis could get use to this he thinks to himself as he looks over to Harry a wide smile on his face his eyes never leaving the three year old as she tells him story after story. Harry fits so easily into their lives, almost as if he was here the whole time a part of their story from day one. 

Louis and Cassie drop Harry off an hour later, Cassie whining that she didn't want the curly haired boy to leave, Harry promising to see them the following morning at the Cafe. She made sure to get three hugs from Harry before he left. Louis gave the older lad a quick peck on the lips when he knew Cassie wasn't looking, promising to see the boy in the morning. 


Louis and Cassie are sitting on the couch having now later in the evening, the pair had come home after dropping Harry off to have a movie night, both tired from the events of the weekend. Louis adored any time that he got to spend with Cassie just the two of them like this. 

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