Chapter 17

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The next few months flew by in a whirl wind for Louis, things at works were busier than ever, his boss giving him more responsibility and don't get him wrong he was grateful for it. But between work and his daughter and spending more and more time getting to know Harry, he was a little tired.

He has just spent the majority of his day off shopping for Cassie's birthday present and her birthday party while Harry was at home watching her. He was grateful for his boyfriend being able to fit so easily into his and Cassie's life. As much as he knew that Harry wanted to go with him to pick out Cassie's presents, he didn't hesitate to offer to watch Cassie instead so Louis could go shopping in peace without having to hide what he was buying from his daughters prying eyes.

"Hazza! Cassie! Im back!" Louis calls as he enters the house, he opens the front hall closet sliding the bag of gifts onto the top shelf covering it with an old jacket so Cassie doesn't accidentally see it.

Louis furrows his brows when he doesn't get a response back from either Harry or Cassie. He knows they are home, Harry would have let him know if they were going out somewhere. Slipping out of his shoes Louis creeps down the corridor towards the living room where he can hear faint sounds coming from the TV, as he turns the corner his heart melts at the sight in front of him.

Harry and Cassie laid up on the floor in a make shift bed they had made this morning while watching cartoons, the pair snuggled up sound asleep. Louis sees his whole future laying in front of him in that moment a future with Harry and Cassie and lazy Sunday mornings.

He decides to let the pair sleep a little longer and take the time to go and grab Cassie's present from the closet now and hide it in his room so he didn't have to do it later. As he enters his room Louis phone starts to ring. Louis looks down and to see the caller ID before answering. "Hey Nialler what's up?" Louis asks concern in his voice. It's not that he isn't happy to hear from the Irish lad, it's that they usually don't call each other randomly like this.

"Hey Lou! Sorry to bug you, is Harry with you? He didn't come back to the flat last night so I assume he is with you but he isn't answering my texts." Niall says, accent flowing heavy through the phone.

Louis lets out a small sigh of relief that it is nothing too serious. "Yeah sorry Nialler, he is here. He was babysitting Cass for me this morning I did some errands for Cassie's birthday next week. Do you need him? He is napping right now but I can wake him up for you." Louis explains.

"No it's fine mate, let him sleep. I was just worried about him. He normally answers to let me know he is okay." Niall laughs. "I sound like his mother."

Louis laughs even if he did sound like a worried mother, Louis loves how much Niall cares for Harry and makes sure he is okay, he lets him know as much. "You are a good friend to him Nialler. When he wakes up i'll give him heck for you and tell him to text his worried best friend." Louis chuckles.

"Thanks Louis." He chuckles before continuing his voice becoming more serious. "Listen he would kill me for saying this but that boy cares about you so much and I just want to say something that I should have said 2 months ago, please be careful with his heart, it's been broken before." Niall states the tone of the conversation shifting.

Louis breathes deeply processing the information he was just given. "I care about him more that you know Nialler, I promise I don't ever dream of breaking his heart." Louis says hoping that Niall can hear how sincere he is being in this moment. The sound of footsteps coming down the hallway don't let him get lost in his thoughts for very long. "Speak of the devil I hear him coming now. Want me to put him on?" Louis asks.

"Nah just let him know I said he sucks for making me worry." Niall says making the pair laugh. "Will do later mate." Louis says as he hangs up the phone just as Harry enters the room wraping his arms around Louis waist. "Hi baby I thought I heard your voice, who was that on the phone?" Harry asks, sleep still evident in his voice.

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