10. Bless The P#$$y (Miracle Worker)

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It didn't take any convincing to get Mira back up to my room. We both sat on the balcony of my bedroom and just smoked. She was a bit skeptical at first, but then she gave into the temptation. I knew she needed to get Ellie off of her mind, and I knew my marijuana could do just that. We stared down at all the crazy idiots who had dropped by my party. They were all dancing to a song that had an incoherent rapper rapping on it.

I didn't know a thing that he was saying, but apparently, the people down there did. Or maybe they just liked the beat. I admit, the beat was pretty dope but the lyrics were trash. If I was on the track then I would give it justice, but the rapper that had it was turning it into garbage. I frowned at the waste of such a good beat. Horrible rap pissed me off. That's why I hated Igloo. She had to be white and Australian. I'm white and Australian also, so of course, rap listeners put us in the same damn boat. They hated her and at first they hated me, until I proved my worth. Now, I was just as big as Nicki M, if not bigger.

"You know, you really shouldn't have walked up and said anything," Mira had told me as she finished her the spliff that I had perfectly rolled for her. For someone who didn't smoke, she handled my weed well. Justin usually coughed up a lung, but I guess that was because he was such a p-ssy.

I smiled a little bit at Mira. Partly because I was proud of her for actually smoking the whole joint, and also because I found it adorable that she thought that I didn't need to step in. Of course, I needed to step in. If I didn't then she'd probably be bored somewhere with Ellie right now. I knew Mira had only took Ellie back so she wouldn't feel bad. The model didn't love the fashion designer and she was wasting her time by being with her. I cut everything short for her sake, and partly for mine as well.

With Ellie out of the way, getting to know Mira and also getting in her pants would be slightly easier. "I'm sorry if you didn't want me to get involved," I fibbed with a straight face. I wasn't sorry for sh-t. I was actually proud of what I did.

"I just thought you didn't love her. You were just with her to make her feel better. I could tell by your body language, Mira. You weren't happy, so I stepped in. I saved you from having to deal with her," I replied more honestly this go around.

Mira sighed and ran her fingers through her long, wavy dark brunette locks. I licked my lips as I ogled her. Damn, was she f-cking sexy. The way she sighed even turned me on. It was so breathy and almost sexual. If only she'd let me show her a thing or two. I ran my fingers through my hair as well in sexual frustration. After taking a deep breath, I put out my blunt and threw it over the balcony. Some dumbass would probably pick it up and try to finish it off. When Mira didn't say anything, I decided to open up my mouth again.

"You're really dope, Mira. You shouldn't hide the way you feel to make other people feel better. Be yourself. It's adorable how you're not like most girls. You don't just have f-cking on your mind, like most of them do." A blush fell on Mira's cheeks and I smiled at her. What I was saying was true, but I'd be lying if I was to say that there wasn't something hidden beneath all those words. It was all leading up to something.

My tongue swiped across my bottom lip before I lowered my voice. "Don't get me wrong. If you want to f-ck then we can. It's alright to enjoy yourself every now and then. I'm clean. No diseases. Not only am I STD-free, but I can also give you one hell of an orgasm. Well, multiple actually. There's no need to sell myself short."

I chuckled a little bit as I stared straight into Mira's beautiful azure eyes. They were filled with yearning and I knew I had gotten her exactly where I wanted her. She could deny it or fight it all she wanted to, but I knew she wanted to f-ck me.

"There's just something about seeing a girl shiver, twist and convulse as you have sex with her. It's nothing about the moans, the groans, the low and high tones and most importantly the screams. It's even better when the girl is submissive and she's willing to get nasty for me. Say a few dirty things here and there, let me have my way with her. There's something about obedient girls that just drive me wild."

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