14. Rumors

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"There's your old girl, kitten," Arden purred into my ear from behind me as I looked towards my ex. Ellie was leaning against the wall, drinking a beer as she focused on a whole different direction. She probably didn't notice that Arden and I were here, but Arden spotted her out. Suddenly, I felt the rapper's hand take mine. "We should go say hello. We don't want to be rude, do we?"

Quickly, I turned to Arden and shook my head. The last thing I wanted was awkwardness. If we walked up to Ellie it would be nothing but uncomfortable. A smirk played across the rapper's face and she quirked up one of her perfect brows. "No, Arden. Don't start anything," I pleaded as I looked straight into her eyes. She sighed and peered behind me at Ellie who probably still hadn't noticed us.

"Come on, Mira. I just want to thank her for my outfit. Nothing more. It's only right." She brought my hand up to her lips and kissed it softly. A somewhat sweet smile spread across her lips. "I promise. Why would I ruin our night? It's gone so well so far." Sighing deeply, I looked from the rapper and back at the fashion designer. I knew Arden was going to be persistent the whole night if I didn't agree now so I nodded my head. Her smile grew wider and less sweet as she led me towards my ex.

I swallowed hard as we began approaching the oblivious blonde. She was minding her own business dressed to impress, almost looking just as sharp as Arden herself. Unlike Arden, although, her suit was red with a black lapel. I really didn't take red to be her color, but she pulled it off well. "Well, look who it is," she said once her eyes were bestowed on the both of us. Arden's hand let go of mine and was placed on my waist as she gave my ex a taunting and belittling glare. I bit my lip as I stared Ellie who was staring straight at me.

"Come to rub it in my face, huh?" A sarcastic laugh came from Ellie as she bitterly took a swig from the beer bottle. "I take it that you two are the new power couple. What's your couple name? Marden or something stupid like that?"

"Actually, they call us Amira, but I think Marden is much cuter. I'll make sure I tweet that to the fans tonight," Arden responded. She reached over and placed a hand on Ellie's shoulder. "Thank you for not only making me this clean ass suit but also for giving us a cute 'ship' name." Without even blinking, the blonde smacked the smirking rapper's hand right from her shoulder. "Well, that was pretty damn rude. I see you're a bit sour since there's rumors that we're dating, but newsflash, we aren't. At least not yet." Arden kissed my forehead slightly and I gave her a stern look. She was only supposed to thank her and that's all.

"So you two are just having sex," Ellie asked with much interest. I frowned at the fact that she was so open to ask that.

"Why are you so interested," the girl with her arm wrapped around me asked. Her head cocked to the side a little as she stared at my once girlfriend. "If you really must know, I haven't laid a finger on her sexually yet. I actually get off on her playing with herself. I know. I know. It's a bit crazy." My mouth ran dry as I heard the words coming out of Arden's mouth. She wasn't supposed to tell anyone about that, especially not Ellie! The two girls stared at each other as if they could rip each other's throats out as I stood there in complete shock at what Arden had just confessed. I wanted to yell at her but the words just couldn't come out.

"You know what's really crazy," Arden asked the blonde girl as she chuckled to herself. "What's crazy is that I can get her to scream out my name without laying a f-cking finger on her. Even when you did have sex with her, I heard you could barely make her moan." I pushed Arden's arm from around me and she gave me a questioning glare. I turned to Ellie who was clenching her jaw.

She stepped up closer so she was right in Arden's face. The rapper took her clueless eyes off me to stare the fashion designer right in the eyes. It was the woman in the red suit against the one in the white. This was the last thing I expected to happen tonight, especially after everything was going so well. The one standing there in the red suit grabbed the other by the collar. Arden didn't lose her cool one bit, she gave the aggressive fashion designer a slight chuckle. "Arden, you may be richer than me and you may be more attractive but you're a f-cking asshole. Do you know that!?" She shook Arden but that only made her laugh more. "You think this is funny," Ellie yelled at Arden before looking back towards me. "Mira, how do you not see who she truly is? She's sadistic and f-cked up! Everyone knows that! She doesn't know how to treat a lady like a lady!"

Wild Thing (Lesbian Story) (GirlxGirl)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن