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Laliana's heart pounded furiously due to the much embarrassment bombarded towards her direction. Tears had already begun welling up her eyes. She decided to not make eye contact with anyone including Beni. She suddenly ran down the wide stairs frantically with an aim of exiting the restaurant. To her utter most dismay, she missed a step and practically rolled down the remaining flight of stairs. She reached the end of the staircase while unconscious and with a deep cut across her forehead.
Laliana regained her consciousness and unsurprisingly found herself in a hospital bed. Looking beside her was Laliana's mother, Sally seeming very anxious. She had on a baggy Kitenge dress and in her hands was a blue and white rosary. Laliana could hear her whisper silent prayers. She immediately stopped praying the second she noticed Laliana moving her head from side to side.
"Laliana my daughter, you are awake!" She shouted. "What happened?" Laliana asked weakly. "Your carelessness made you fall down the stairs and hurt your head," Merina, replied acidly from the other side of the bed. " Merina stop that, why are you always rude to your sister ?" Laliana's mother said. Merina did not answer but just scoffed.
"Don't worry dear, it was an accident. You bumped your head and got a serious concussion that made you be hospitalised for two weeks," Sally further explained to Laliana who nodded in response. "That was not the only accident that happened, look you are trending now on social media!" Merina said with a tone of mockery while showing Laliana various posts about her "accident" in her phone.
"You shouldn't have embarrassed your rich husband like that," Merina continued. Laliana's heart pounded furiously again once she remembered what had happened to her during the grand opening of Beni's restaurant. How she wished that the concrete floor of that restaurant would swallow her whole. That would certainly spare her from the public shame she was receiving.
Sally was about to open her mouth to scold Merina when the doctor came. "Oh! I see you have woken up," the stout male doctor in a white lab coat remarked. "Doctor, is she okay to be discharged today?" Sally asked the doctor. "Of course she can go home," the doctor then turned his head to face Laliana."I've prescribed you some more powerful medicine to handle your condition and..." "Why did my periods come to early?" Laliana asked in a groggy voice, interrupting the doctor. "That was where I was heading to..." the doctor threw an annoyed look at Laliana.
"After running a few tests, we were able to confirm your pregnancy. The bleeding occured due to an injury in your womb..." "Wait, you mean I'm going to be a grandmother!" Sally shrieked, irritating the doctor even more. "Just follow this prescription and you and your pregnancy will be out of danger," the doctor said in utter frustration then furiously left the room.
Sally and Laliana looked at each other in bewilderment. "Pregnant! But I have endometriosis!" Laliana loudly said to herself with her eyes wide open. Sally pulled her daughter into a big hug while chanting praises to the All mighty in her indegenous language. Merina just sat there and folded her arms with an unimpressed look on her face.
Laliana was partly shocked, partly terrified and partly excited. Partly shocked in that she was surprised to learn that she was actually able to conceive. Terrified in that it was her first pregnancy and was scared that the pregnancy won't survive due to her condition. She was excited however since her painful episodes had made her and Beni forget the thought of ever having their own children. She started thinking of how she would cope with the pregnancy when even managing her illness was a tricky thing to do. On the bright side, at least she was married to a caring and capable husband who has always been on her side. Even through those days when her cramps became unbearable, Beni had always been there.
"Where's Beni?" Laliana asked while still in her mother's embrace. "He's at home angry at you for the embarrassment you've caused him," Merina replied with a shrug earning a painful pinch from her mother. "He said
he was busy and could not make it to see you," Sally said with slight disappointment in her tone.

Thanks for reading this 🙂😋🤪!

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