Epilogue - A scavenger hunt to forever

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A few months later

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A few months later

"Drew?" I shouted. No answer. The house was empty. I sighed and looked around for my car keys when something caught my eye on the kitchen table. On the kitchen table wrapped in a piece of purple ribbon with a lavender flower next to it was a white envelope.

Scribbled on the envelope in handwriting I would recognise anywhere was one word.


I opened the envelope with a feeling of giddy anticipation. What in the world was Drew up to now? After living with Drew these last few months I've learned that he loves surprises. Particularly to surprise me. Every now and then Drew would have a new surprise for me up his sleeve. Sometimes it was a small thing such as a flower on my pillow and other times it was a romantic weekend getaway up in the mountains. Drew's surprises always made my day and I had a feeling this one would be no different.

I pulled a piece of paper out of the envelope. My eyes moved over his handwriting. "Eloise, I know how much you love my surprises and I think you'll love this one the most. It is something you'll have to work for a bit. I figured there was nothing better to build up anticipation than a scavenger hunt. The surprise will be revealed when you find me, so use that beautiful mind of yours to follow my clues. Here is the first one,

"Only when unfurled, it will greet the fairest in the world."

Good luck, darling

Huh. This was new. Drew doesn't usually do riddles. I wrapped my head around what it could mean. Unfurled was a strange choice of word. The only things I could think of that unfurled were roses and then it hit me. Roses! Of course! I grabbed my handbag and just as I was about to step out of the house my eyes snagged on my car keys that were on the small table near the front door. I smiled and shook my head. Drew probably knew I was going to have an all-out search mission to find them and he put them in a place where I wouldn't miss them. Gosh, I would kiss him if he were here right now.

I grabbed my keys, quickly locked up the house and practically ran to my car. It was a short drive to the flower shop. Once I got there I quickly climbed out of the car and made my way to Rose, the owner of Bloomed Delicates. Rose was standing outside of her shop arranging the flowers that stood on display in front of her shop. She smiled as she noticed me walking up to her. "Good afternoon, Rose." I greeted her.

"Hello, my darling. I assume you are here for this." Rose said with a smile as she handed me an envelope. I took the envelope and thanked her. She watched me eagerly as I tore open the envelope. I pulled out what looked like a postcard. I frowned as I stared at it. Rose tried to take a peek at what I pulled out of the postcard. Small-town people sure were nosy, but I loved them nonetheless. On the postcard was a picture of horses galloping in a field. The next clue was something about horses then. I decided to go to the only place I knew had horses in this town; The Blue Haven Inn. I pulled up to the Owen's Inn a few minutes later. I opened the door of the inn and walked right in. The smell of home-cooked food immediately hit my nostrils as soon as I stepped inside. I breathed it in with a smile. Whatever it was it smelled divine.

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