Chapter 15 - Busted

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I was just finishing my shift at the coffee shop when I got a very ominous text

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I was just finishing my shift at the coffee shop when I got a very ominous text.

Unknown: I found something.

Me: Um, I think you have the wrong number pal.

Unknown: It's me, Easton.

Me: Oh hi. I'm assuming you found something about the picture frame I gave you?

Easton: Sort of. Just meet me at this address.

Okay, Mr. Ominous. Seriously couldn't he just give a hint as to what this was about? I was a way too curious person and I wasn't a particularly patient person either. I groaned impatiently.

"What's got you all worked up?" Lexi asked as he walked into the kitchen carrying some dirty plates.

Darn it. She couldn't know. I'm pretty sure she would never speak to me again if she found out I was working with her ex whatever they were.

"Oh, nothing. Just have to go do something real quick." I brushed her off. She frowned and I gave her a small smile in return. She eyed me suspiciously but decided to drop it.

"See you tomorrow!" I quickly grabbed my things and left the coffee shop. A chill of cold air hit me as I exited the coffee shop. We finally reached the time of the year when the nights got quite colder. I couldn't believe that it was almost Thanksgiving. My time in Evermount Springs has flown by so fast.

I then thought of Drew. I guess time flies when you're enjoying yourself and have things to look forward to, such as my first Thanksgiving with Drew's family. Drew's mother invited me a few days ago and I immediately accepted. I smiled at the thought that this was the first Thanksgiving that I'd be spending with a family. The same thought also made my smile drop when I realised that this would be the first Thanksgiving without my mother.

I took a deep breath and made my way to my car. The address Easton gave me wasn't too far from Lexi's coffee shop. I arrived at the address a few minutes later. I pulled to a stop in front of what looked like a small house. It was about half the size of Drew's house.

I walked to the front door and gave it a hesitant knock. I heard rustling from inside the house and a few moments later the door flew open.

"Come on in." Easton said as he held the door open for me. I nodded in thanks. He wasn't wearing his deputy uniform anymore, just a black t-shirt with jeans. Eaton led me to a small dining table that was filled with papers. I took a closer peek and saw that there were pictures from the robbery scenes and pictures of my father.

"What is all this?" I frowned as I picked up the photo of my father exiting a shop at the gas station. I recognized the gas station. It was the one just on the outskirts of town. I drove past it when I first arrived in Evermount Springs and just before my car had broken down.

"I don't understand." I looked at Easton with a frown.
Easton's steely blue eyes met mine.
"I think your father was involved with the robberies."

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