Author's Note/TW

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I hope you like my take on Fae/faeries! Instead of the typical seasonal courts (Summer Court, Winter Court, etc) that are usually in the faery books I have read a lot of, I decided to only have the Light and the Dark. This book, of course, is focused solely on the Dark Fae, but there might be a Light Fae book in the future, to explore the other side of the world I've created. There are songs included, that either compliment the chapter or juxtapose them, but they are entirely optional for the experience, they are mostly just songs that inspire me, or give an essence to the feeling in general that I would hope to elicit. Some are purely there just for fun, because I love them. This book isn't pure evil, but it has some disturbing qualities, so I wanted to list the possible triggers you could find in this story, here:

- vulgar words/cursing         - graphic violence/dark impulses    

- starvation/poverty         - sexual scenes         - attempted suicide         

 - murder/death        - dark magic rituals     - kidnapping/imprisonment

My Dark Fae are bloodthirsty, lustful creatures by nature, so please be warned, before you decide to take a walk in the Dark!

Thank you for reading,


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