{Part 38}

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The little doll was frustrated with him, yet her lust was so prominent, it was driving him up the wall. As she sipped the water, Zaire could feel her eyes on his back. He had just chased her, and she already wanted more. She was becoming insatiable, already. But there was an invisible barrier between them, now, that needed to be addressed. It was clear by the way she had spoken at the Elysium Pool, that she wanted him to force her to stay with him. Wasn't it his goal to make her resent the idea of freedom? Why wasn't it satisfying that she did? Because she assumes that her freedom would be granted by him from a lack of need for her proximity. Hadn't he made it perfectly clear that it would be sickening for him? How could she misconstrue the intentions behind his offer? If it would make her happier to be with him, why wouldn't she choose that for her-fucking-self? 

She wants me to be the bad guy. Zaire bristled at the thought, his own frustration mounting. She wants me to be the monster who locks her away, so the blame is on me. 

And yet, just before that, she had told him that she would rather have died than be in the situation that she was in. Bound to a male that had let her perish more than once, who had refused her time after time. The worst part of her confession was that it tasted like the truth. How dare she crave the arms of death over the arms of her mate? The idea had him gnashing his teeth. She was as foolish as he was, if she thought that he would take that in stride! She had better learn to crave eternity with him, because he sure as hell wasn't going to let her wallow in self pity and doubt. 

"You need to understand one thing," Zaire finally spoke, still giving her his back and staring into the fireplace. "Death is a gift that you shall never receive again. Life is now your prison, and I am your warden. What you choose to do within the confines of it - that  is the only freedom that you will find."  

Silence followed his declaration, and a whirlwind of emotions. 

"Do not despise me for giving you a choice," he told her, his claws flexing as he shifted his weight from one foot to the other. "Think of me as a villain, if you wish - there are several reasons for you to see me that way, but you should know that I don't offer it to you with indifference," Zaire punctuated the last word with a crack of his neck, and a roll of his shoulders. "You should also know that the offer comes with strings attached. I have conditions."

He could feel her stiffening behind him in the seat, before she asked, "What conditions?"

Zaire turned slowly to face her, and chose his words carefully. "One of them is already in progress. You will experience more of the Dark Realm, before you make your decision."

The little doll nodded, her brows furrowed, and her hands clasped tightly around the glass of water.

"You will also not leave me without protection. Talon will see to it that your every step on mortal ground is guarded by his men. They will shroud themselves, more often than not, so you won't see them, but you will never be alone," Zaire hoped that the idea would bother her, but the taste of relief came instead. 

Damn you. 

Now, he  was bothered. She should be upset that other men would be the ones protecting her, watching over her, when it should only be him. Of course, he would always be near, as well, but he would keep that hidden from her. She had relaxed at the words you will never be alone. Perhaps, that was the cause for comfort - she didn't enjoy being alone, and even if those around her were invisible nightmares, it was better than no one at all. It wasn't that she specifically preferred other men  around her, but rather any living thing. 

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