x. prettiest girl at the party

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BLASTING MUSIC, daisy, ginny, pansy, and hermione get ready for daisy's birthday party. "you think you could do my hair, pansy?" daisy asks her best friend.

putting finishing touches on her makeup, pansy looks over at the younger girl, "yeah, one sec, love." she rushes over to the girl, promptly starting on her hair.

"sooooo..." hermione drags, "how's theo?" at the mention of her boyfriend's name daisy perks up, a smile accompanied by a blush covers the ginger's face.

"yeah, tell us everything!" ginny exclaims as she ties hermione's top for her.

"like what?"

"like," pansy thinks for a moment, "tell them what he said the other day, about tutoring..."

"OH MY GOD!" daisy starts, "we were talking about homework and i said i was struggling with potions, right," she takes a deep breath, "well i was talking about how ernie macmillan offered to tutor me and he got all jealous. he told me that he was wayyy smarter than ernie—actually he called him ernald—and then he told me that i don't need a tutor, i have him."

"oh my god," ginny smiled, "baby potter's all grown up." she jokingly wipes a non-existent tear from the corner of her eye.

"shut up."


WALKING DOWN the stairs into the common room, daisy is immediately met with all of her friends, draco included. instead of greeting her brother waiting for her at the bottom of the stairs she rushes over to her boyfriend, whose chatting with enzo at the bar.

"TEDDY!" she shouts, flinging herself at the slightly older boy, "I MISSED YOU!"

he swiftly catches her as she slings her arms around his neck. her dress rides up a little as he lifts her, so he pulls the bottom of it down as he whispers to her, "you look gorgeous, mi amore. happy birthday."

he tries to set her down, but she just wraps her legs around him. "what are you doing, love?"

"you're warm," she smiles, making enzo laugh, "teddy can you make me a drink?"

"are you gonna let me put you down?"


"fine, i'll make your drink. what do you want?"

"dirty shirly, please."

★ ☆ ★

daisypotter posted!

daisypotter posted!

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