10: captured!

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"Luffy," I muttered, rubbing my butt as I stood up. He shot us so far, I tumbled out of his arms and landed hard onto my behind. "That hurt."

"Sorry, (Y/N)!" Luffy laughed, smiling. I rolled my hands as he stuck his hand out for me to grab it and stand up.

"Whatever, let's just go! I'm hungry!" The overly excited captain started running to get to a restaurant in town. My trailing as fast as I can behind him.

"Can you slow down a bit," I yelled, out of breathe. Luffy stopped suddenly, me running straight into his back. "What the hell!"

"Here." Luffy said as he scooped me up bridal style, carrying me as he ran. My cheeks blushed deeply a crimson color. His arms wrappers securely around me.

"L-Luff," I stuttered. "You don't have to do this."

"I want to you." He smiled down at me, then looked back to continue running.

We finally reached a restaurant where we made it inside and sat at a table, Luffy eagerly scanning the menu for a bite to each. Shit, not just a bite, knowing him he'll order two of everything on the whole menu.

"Hello, my name is Kyo and I'll be taking care of you. Can I get for the two of you?" A young males voice boomed behind us.

"Yes! I'm so hungry, can I get uh a bowl of your ramen, side of potatoes, an entree of the meat..." I zoned out at what Luffy was ordering. My mind wandering elsewhere.

Taking a step back in my mind, I think about how I ended up on a ship with infamous pirates. How I ended up having feelings towards the captain. It's really interesting. I was just a few months ago a lonely citizen of a random town, bored as hell. And now I'm here, apart of the straw hat pirates with a newfound ability. Insane.

"And for you my beautiful lady," Kyo, the waiter, said from behind me. I turned to look at him. I can't deny that he is very much attractive but he's got nothing on Luffy.

"I'm sorry what?" I asked embarrassed. My mind was elsewhere and I totally didn't hear what he said.

"Do you want anything to eat, cutie." With that, Luffy slammed his fist down at the table, his hat covering his eyes in a shadow. I jumped in shock from the sudden action.

"Luff, are you okay?" I asked quietly. Luffy ignored me and kept his hands down. His fist tightly clenched. Kyo cleared his voice, and stared at me, waiting for my answer.

"I'll just take a water." I muttered, putting my head down. Kyo walked away, probably to put the order in and get us our drinks.

After the food and drinks arrived, Luffy has yet to say a word. His head still down as he barely picked at all the food he ordered.

"Luffy." I said, trying to gain his attention. He continued to ignore me. "LUFFY." I said louder, getting annoyed at the sudden ignorance.

Luffy stood up. Slammed his fist on the table once again loudly, earning stares from other people occupying the restaurant. He slammed some money down on the table, gripping my arm slightly too tight and dragging me out of the door.

"Luffy, that kind of hurts," I mumbled, he still ignored me but had the audacity to drag me still. "Okay, what the hell is up with you!" I screeched rather angrily.

"I don't like what he did." Luffy whispered, stopping in an alley way. I raised my eyebrows as I rubbed my arm from where he was gripping.

"What are you talking about?" Luffy groaned before turning around harshly and backing me into a wall. His hat still covering his eyes as I heard his rough and sharp breathes.

"That stupid waiter!" He exclaimed, his arm above my head smashing in the wall. He finally looked up at me, causing me to gasp out loud. His eyes held a dark aura in them. His eyebrows furrowed harshly on his face. Him mouth frowning angrily. "Calling you beautiful, who does he think he is."

"W-why does it matter to you." Luffy saw the scared look on my face and his features soften. He took a large inhale.

"I-I'm not sure why," He said, I swore I saw his cheeks turn a light pink color. He leaned into me his face resting on my shoulder. His warm breathe on my neck sending my body into a frenzy.

"L-luff," I gasped quietly. We stayed like that for a moment. He then lifted his head, his eyes boaring into my own. His eyes shifted from my own eyes, down to my lips. He lingered his gaze on my lips for a moment before reluctantly lifting his gaze back to my eyes.

My body felt warm, my heart was pounding through my chest. My palms became sweaty and my stomach turning. My eyes widen as I saw his eyes look back and forth between my lips and my eyes. His face coming closer to me. My eyes fluttered shut in anticipation of hopefully feeling his lips on me. His hot breath getting closer to me. I felt his lips graze mine ever so slightly.


A massive explosion down the other side of the alley way went off, screams of horror following the crash. We jumped apart, eyes wide with shock at the sudden attack.

"(Y/N) (L/N)." A deep and cruel voice boomed through the smoke. A man stepped out, he was wearing a black long coat. His deep red hair slicked back into a long ponytail. His face sharp and terrifying.

I coward in fear, Luffy shoving me behind him.

"Who the hell are you," Luffy growled, his aura turning a dark shade of black. My heart raced, this time in a form of fear.

The man chuckled, walking closer to us. A evil smirk plastered on his grimy face.

"That doesn't matter now does it," The man pulled out a crystal ball. "I just need the skull skull fruit girl."

My eyes widen and my throat went dry. How does know? No one should know about this fruit I ate. It hasn't been that long! Luffy backed up, me behind him.

"No!" Luffy screamed angrily. "You're not touching her!"

"We will see about that." The man crouched down, the crystal ball in his hand glowing a bright red color. I whimpered, Luffy getting ready in case of an attack.

"Convey!" The man yelled, him suddenly disappearing.

In the blink of an eye, I felt rough hands grasp my shoulder harshly. My eyes widening in fear as I felt myself be thrown back, landing roughly on my back.

I gasped for air, my lungs burning as I tried to inhale air. My head bursted in pain, throbbing and making me vision blurry.

"(Y/N)!" Luffy yelled, trying to run to me. Suddenly, Luffy was throwing aside, crashing into the brick wall with a loud boom.

"Luffy..." I whispered, feeling my vision fade. The last thing I could see was the man laughing in my face, picking me up. I heard him say "return."

And then I blacked out.



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Also, check out my new book: one piece! One shots! I've already posted a few next one shots so please give them a read! Thank you.

I fell for the rubber boy [Luffy x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now