14: home

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Waking up from complete darkness once again was not something I wanted. But here I was, groaning from my aching body as my eyes stayed screwed shut, my teething colliding with one another.

Jeez, did I get smacked by a brick wall or something.

Peeking one eye open and taking in my surroundings I realized that I wasn't chained up anymore. The memories came flooding into my mind, almost overwhelming me. My crew showed up, Luffy kicked that guys ass and they rescued me.


"You're awake!" Chopper exclaimed, jumping up from his little spinny chair and running up to my side to check my vitals. I grunted but sat up in order for Chopper to get the full work up. I smiled weakly at the little reindeer. Watching him work his magic with a very concentrated look on his face.

"Thank you Chopper." I smiled, my voice coming out rather horse and raspy. "How long was I out for this time."

"Only twenty-four hours." Chopper dapped some cleaning solution across my wounds, causing me to wince in pain. 

"Good. How's the crew?" Chopper grinned looking up at me.

"Great. Luffy kicked that guys ass! We were all so worried when you were taken, especially Luffy. He would barley even eat anything." My face redden at this. The fact Luffy wouldn't even eat because of me made my heart clench weirdly. 

"O-oh." I stuttered, nervously laughing. "Thank you all for saving me. I couldn't ask for a better crew. Or a better doctor."

Chopper blushed looking away. "Its not like those compliments making me happy or anything you bastard." Which I only smiled widely at.


"(Y/N)!" A frantic looking Luffy yelled, running into the room and banging the door into the wall. His eyes made contact with mine and he suddenly bolted to me, flinging himself into the air and knocking me back while wrapping his arms around me. 

"Luffy! She's still recovering! Get off her!" Chopper frantically yelled, tugging at one of luffys arms which just stretched causing Chopper to screech and fly backwards on his butt.

"Luff..." I muttered into his collarbone, suddenly feeling my heart beat faster and louder. 


"I was so scared of losing you." Luffy whispered softly against me. My heart clenched tightly at his words as I felt small tears welt up in my eyes. 

"I'm okay. I'm here." I muttered. 

"I'm just going to leave you guys alone..." Chopper said slowly as he backed up and sprinted out of the room. Although, Luffy and I were so wrapped up in each other I doubt we even noticed. 

It felt like an eternity that Luffy and I sat wrapped around one another. Only the sound of light breathing filled the room. My mind racing with thinking back to the time in the alley-way. Would we have really kissed? Does he know what kissing means?

"(Y/N)," Luffy pulled back, looking into my eyes. His face was very close to mine, his deep orbs penetrating my own. "I never got to finish what happen in the alley way."

I fell for the rubber boy [Luffy x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now