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Harry walked up to the teller

"I was requested to come to gringotts" I said

"Name" he asked

"Harry james potter" I said the goblin looked up

"We didn't expect you to actually show up considering you have ignored the previous letters we have sent" the go on said

"It is likely the letters were destroyed before I even got to see them, my muggle relatives are not good people" i said

"Very well, if you would follow me, I will take you to account manager bloodfang" the goblin said, I nodded and followed him, to a rather nixe looking office though the wall behind the desk was filled with very dangerous looking battle axes

"Mr potter, i am honestly surprised i didn't expect you to actually show up, i am bloodfang" the goblin said as he walked into the office, I explained to him the reasoning just as I had the goblin teller

"I see, most unfortunate" bloodfang said

"Gringotts deals with magical contracts right" I asked, he nodded and so I explained my predicament, the goblin laughed

"Then they are fools, who do not understand how magical contracts work, you do not wish to participate i assume" bloodfang asked I nodded

"Then don't, and the person who did enter you will lose their magic as a result" bloodfang said gleefully I smiled in relief

"What about my emancipation" I asked, bloodfang shook his head

"The fools at the ministry wrote the contract so only those of age can participate, since they declared you must participate then weather you actually do so or not is immaterial, you are an adult in the wizarding world, and I can work to get you emancipated in the muggle world as well" bloodfang said, I nodded

"Please do so" I said, bloodfang nodded

"Mr. potter, as you know your godfather sent specific instructions, that you were to take over as head of the house of black, we will speak of that in a moment, but first he also sent us this, you must speak his name and it will connect to another mirror that has been connected

"sirius black" i said, a moment later sirius's face appeared on the mirror

"pup, are you at gringotts" sirius asked i nodded

"now that you have some counsel we can continue" bloodfang said, i nodded

"Mr. potter the information you have given me, the rumors i have heard, and the knowledge i already have access to, tells me that your allies here in britain have not been doing their duty as your allies, they have not aided you in your hours of need, despite what i have heard you have accomplished for example is it true that you fought and defeated a basilisk with nothing but, an enchanted sword, a talking hat, and a phoenix" bloodfang asked, i nodded surprised he knew all of that

"i figured, anyway, you should have had support from the house of bones, and the house of longbottom, both houses have been staunch allies to the potters for centuries the fact that no aid has come to you from either of their heirs is, quite frankly, extremely disturbing, as such i would recommend you pay this disloyalty in kind" bloodfang said

"what do you mean" i asked

"recall the support of house potter from their houses, it will cause drastic changes to occur in the wizengamot, and you can state the dishonor of house of longbottom and house of bones for not coming to your aid despite the alliance you share, as your reasons, you can also state that this tournament was the last straw, repeatedly abandoning an ally is not something one does in the wizarding world, it is where the term blood traitor comes from in fact, two staunch allies brothers in all but blood, yet one of them betrayed the other, ironically they were both goblins, yet it is wizards who use the term to push their agendas" bloodfang said, giving the two wizards a bit of historical trivia

"alright do it" i said, he nodded

"there are some allies outside the country you can contact, they can aid you, i would recommend sir alexandre von lierstein, a british soldier of german blood, or shogun tsukasa ishikawa, a very high ranking japanese lord, i would honestly recommend sir lierstein simply because he lives in america, and is natively an english speaker, a proper english speaker at that not the americans and their large use of slang" bloodfang said i nodded

"i think that's a good idea, pup, get away from the wizarding world you don't owe these people anything i'll stay here and provide as much cover for you as i can, i know alexandre, he was like a favorite uncle, he and your grandfather served both the war against grindelwald and the muggle world war II, rather old relic he is but a good man, i believe he earned the rank of commander in the british navy" sirius said

"anyway, let's continue" sirius said

"sirius black has created a personal vault for himself so he can survive long enough to get a good job, should his name ever be cleared he transferred everything else to the family vault, unfortunately, you cannot claim the black family unless you have black blood, if you have any black blood in your veins, then we can follow Mr. blacks wishes" bloodfang said

"how do we check that" i asked, in response he withdrew a very fancy ceremonial knife and a slip of parchment

"the parchment is enchanted to tell us everything we need to know about your bloodline, simply allow three drops to fall onto the parchment" he said, i did as i was told and watched as words began to form

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