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"so you just want me to enchant your battleship" i asked, tsukasa and alexandre shook their heads

"right now, as we stated this force is run and funded privately, i guess what we are saying is we would like you to 'buy a commission', we do not allow just anyone to do so, but those who believe in our cause and are competent and rich enough, very rare individuals indeed you would be granted the opportunity

"in your case buying a commission would put you in charge of the first fleet and the nagato itself by extension, as this would require you to share your family secrets with us, the fleet will be at your disposal, with only myself and lieutenant commander lierstein here, giving orders, orders you will be able to veto if you feel it puts yourself or your fleet in too much danger, we would train you and you would receive a commission of rear-admiral in both the american and japanese militaries, just to make it official, as having an official naval officer in charge of and funding a paramilitary force is a very useful resource, and you can make terms" 

"i only have one, keep me away from britain" i said

"done" they both replied

"alright, how do we start" i asked

"we start with your training, updating the nagato and acquiring ships for the first fleet will take some time, we intend to have four fleets in service, officially you will be in command of the magical japanese navy, and in order for you to trust others with your family secrets you need to know them, most of our enchanters also function as full naval personnel, you will be given an adjutant during training, to get used to having one when you receive your official commission, do you know what a compressed time chamber is" tsukasa asked, i nodded

"the goblins in britain let me use theirs, and even trained me in several of their arts, including forging, warding, and fighting, and they did this for free, i am still confused as to why all they said was to keep an open mind" i said, the two older gentlemen looked at each other

"those cheeky little buggers" alexandre said

"what" i asked

"we have been thinking of opening recruitment to other magical races, the goblins have essentially bought their way in" tsukasa explained, i blinked then my eyes widened

"well it's not like it's a bad thing, if they are officers we can use their expertise without being charged for it, i'll inform the goblins we will be opening recruitment to them as well and their people can sign up at our embassy in japan" tsukasa said

"well that was good to know, the veela in japan have their own compressed time chamber that is just as useful as the goblins so you'll spend a few months learning the ins and out of your new role in the chamber" alexandre said

"the since you will be in charge of a largely japanese forced based on japanese soil you will also be learning and trained in japanese traditions" 

"maybe my japanese colleagues can give me a new name" i said, they blinked

"why" alexandre asked

"the goblins thought it was a good idea that i erased the potter name from existence let the line die, as it would be easier to disappear, essentially i would create a new name for myself" i said

"then your name will be hayato, we will ask the veela of japan to prepare the rituals so you may appear japanese as well, you will take on a japanese persona" tsukasa said, i nodded, and so harry did, with the help of the japanese veela i become hayato nishiyama, a dark  white boy with hazel eyes, head of the newly formed nishiyama shogunate, the shogunate was formed at tsukasa's behest

"then your name will be hayato, we will ask the veela of japan to prepare the rituals so you may appear japanese as well, you will take on a japanese persona" tsukasa said, i nodded, and so harry did, with the help of the japanese veela i become h...

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after my transformation i started my training, i learned everything there was to know about being a naval commander, and i also learned japanese samurai traditions as well, i truly became a magical shogun of japan, i with help from tsukasa forged a new magical focus for myself, as the japanese used katana's as their focus's as such japanese mages were dubbed maho kenshi

tsubaki ishikawa, tsukasa's daughter who was my age despite tsukasa himself being nearly a hundred years old, it was explained that tsubaki was an illegitimate daughter therefor she could not claim headship of the ishikawa clan or it's assets however, those assets can be absorbed into another clan, and so hayato inadvertantly obtained the assets including the sworn retainers of the ishikawa clan, into his own, as tsubaki swore herself to him, as his servant, as was the samurai way, or at least for magical samurai anyway

hayato had taught all of his new retainers how to enchant and ward and with aid from the newly recruited goblins work on the first fleet which included the MVS-002: NAGATO, one of two battleships of the vanguard first fleet, two recently completed magically upgraded gerald R. ford-class, renamed the tsukuyomi-class aircraft carriers, six magically upgraded nimitz-class. renamed shinano-class aircraft carriers, six magically upgraded hyuga-class helicopter destroyers, renamed kirishima-class, four magically upgraded izumo-class helicopter destroyers renamed ashigara-class, fourteen magically upgraded ticonderoga-class guided missile cruisers, renamed zuikaku-class, the bulk of the fleet right now are the destroyers as their are several destroyers within the magical vanguard navy, eighteen magically upgraded arleigh burke-class guided destroyers, renamed tsurugi-class, fourty-six magically upgraded abukuma-class escort destroyers, renamed the azuma-class, these ships are currently the only class of vessel actively under construction by the magicals hence why there is so many, fourteen magically upgraded maya-class guided missile destroyers, renamed mikasa-class, eighteen magically upgraded asahi-class destroyers, renamed agano-class, eight akizuki-class destroyers, renamed chiyoda-class, twelve takanami-class destroyers, renamed yukikaze-class, ten murasame-class destroyers, renamed masamune-class, fourteen constellation-class guided missile frigates renamed chitose-class, twenty-two mogami-class frigates renamed myoukou-class, and the crowning achievement of the magical navy, and japanese magicals in specific, is the recovered repaired and modernized yamato-class battleship musashi, it was well hidden under so many wards none would find it and highly classified, up until it's launch the musashi is heavy defended as it is etched with hundreds of protective runes from the best rune users the japanese magical government could find, and it was placed under the command of the newly commissioned rear-admiral hayato nishiyama, his rank within the magical paramilitary group is minister, it is the highest ranking officer in the japanese magical navy, and hayato only takes orders from the very type on this case, the japanese prime minister, the japanese emperor, the american president, and the ICW currently this will be the case until more fleets are constructed and the first fleet is broken down, when that happens he will only take orders from the japanese governments, and the ICW

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