chapter 1

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Some say that the myths we used to hear are not true, that they don't exist in the world today, but there might be a chance they did a hundred years ago... Perhaps, some of the myths are real?

Vampire... Wolves. They're not real

This morning I woke up, I opened my eyes, and the sunshine flashed through to my face as the wind blew the curtains.

I lost my job and now my boyfriend cheated on me. It was heartbreaking to see Adam with another woman in his bed

since I always thought his the guy that I've always been looking for. But it turns out to be wrong, I wipe my tears away and feel the heavy weight come back on my shoulders

" Claudia! Claudia! Wake up! "

I jolted in my bed when hearing my mom scream my name downstairs. I immediately got out of my bed and opened my door

" c-coming," I said and rushed downstairs to the kitchen

to see my mom cooking on the stove while the water in the sink was left open with a bunch of dirty dishes stacked together

" don't stare at it, clean it! " Mom said a frilly and huffed her smoke.

I nod my head and walk to the sink, I start cleaning the plates one by one while she mumbles things behind me.

Mostly about her problems or her dad. I used to work in a convenience store every day to earn money

but all of it just came to Mom's hand while nothing was left for me. She uses it to buy her cigarettes and alcohol, but not that I lost my job, she hates me even more

" how dumb you can be to lose that job, huh? It's a simple work, Claudia! Look what happened now " she complains. Tears pooled in my eyes as I continued washing the dishes

"I-it's not easy " I whispered to myself since it's the truth, having to work in that job while starting college, I didn't have any time to rest or to study

"What did you say? " she asks and turns to me, I shake my head and place the plates in the rack.

" Nothing " I lied, she huffed and went to the counter

" Good, because you're a useless person Claudia! You have no right to speak back to me " she spats.

I was getting tired of facing the same words that my mom told me. She doesn't see me as her daughter at all, and she will never do

After our dad left us and continued to be with his pregnant girlfriend, it destroyed Mom, I couldn't do anything but beg him to stay, but he left us, and that made things even worse.

Mom becomes a drug addict and has no job, she would consistently go out every night and bring any guys into our house

It's been a few years and I called my Uncle Charlie from Forks Washington to get some help.

Luckily, he told me that I could stay with him and my cousin Bella for a while. I was happy to hear the news and began saving money secretly to leave this horrible house

" m-mom, I want to leave " I finally revealed and turned to face her. She looks at me and laughs, thinking that I'm joking

" leave? You have no money, Claudia " she retorts, I wipe my fears away and take a deep breath

" I save some. I'm going to Forks and stay with my uncle " I explained and walked out of the kitchen, knowing that it's gonna make her mad

" yeah go and leave! Leave me like what your dad did! You two are the same, worthless, and have no minds! " she shouted behind me. Dad didn't want to leave in the first place, but after how Mom treated him, he had enough.

"Dad doesn't want to leave mom! H-he was better- " I shouted, but I was cut off when feeling him slap me across the face

" don't ever talk back to me! " she screams in front of my face.

I rushed back upstairs and locked my door, my hands were trembling as I took out my luggage and started packing my clothes.

After a few months of saving money to leave, I was finally doing it. When I made sure I had all the things I needed

I looked at the white lamb stuff toy sitting in my bed, the white lamb that my dad gifted me when I was a child. I grabbed it and stuffed it inside, I changed my clothes and left my room

" you fucking bitch! " Mom started screaming as I didn't face her, I opened the front door and left

" get back here Claudia! " I ignored her shouts and went inside a taxi. Finally leaving this horrible place


I was sitting inside the plane, watching the clouds above the sky pass.

I deleted all my contacts with Mom and messaged Uncle Charlie that I was going to forks today, and probably I'll come there at night.

Me and Bella are no strangers, I'm one year older than her and since we were kids, we know each other well since it's only me and her that are cousins in the family.

My dad is Uncle Charlie's brother and I've been to Forks before, I love that place

The long trees in the forest, the gloomy sky, the cold and rain. I sat back in my seat and my eyes slowly began closing I drifted to sleep

I woke up in a field that had a bunch of roses and flowers planted in the ground. I looked down to see that I was wearing a simple white dress, I looked around at the place and I was lying down in a towel beneath a tree, I was alone.

I stood and looked around for someone, where was I?

"Mia cara " someone calls behind me. I never heard that voice before, but it was smooth and comforting

shivers ran down my spine as I could feel eyes were on me. I slowly turned around and faced three tall men, smiling at me

They stood meters away from me, wearing black clothes and a cape around their neck

Hello everyone! I'm so excited to begin this story, this is a new journey to begin and I hope some of you will enjoy it.

I just want to remind everyone that I DONT OWN TWILIGHT!!! I don't own the original characters or anything! I don't own the pictures you'll see in my story! They all belong to Wattpad creators

I only own Claudia and her story!

This story contains lots of smut, fluff, mature language, mature themes, death, torture, and other topics that are sensitive for readers.

Nevertheless, I always make sure that my readers enjoy my story. Thank you!

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