chapter 4

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"Are you alright? "

To my surprise, the male vampire with brown hair and deep red eyes asked me

I look down at my shaking hands caused by my nervousness. I feel scared with each step we take, as we get nearer to the large doors that await to be opened.

I didn't say anything but only nodded my head at him and looked down at the floor as Alice pulled me closer to her.

When Jane opened the doors, we walked inside what seemed to be a large room, as guards stood in all corners in the shadows, alerted and none of them dared to move a single muscle.

"Sister, they sent you out to bring back one, and you bring two. Such a clever girl " a male voice says, I peeked to see Jane walk over to him and stand by his side, they were both young and looked innocent.

I guessed they were twins since they looked alike, except that she had blond hair and the guy beside her had brown

" ahh, what a surprise, Bella is alive after all, isn't that wonderful " the familiar deep and husky voice speaks

chills run down my spine as I watch the man with long brown hair to his chest walk over to Edward with a large smile on his face

What made me more confused was his the exact man that I dreamed about on the plane. Every detail and voice were the same, and when I looked at him, my breathe hitches

I wish some words could explain my feelings right now. I'm feeling overwhelmed and I want answers

My eyes trail to the other two kings that are sitting on their thrones. I realized that they are not just imaginations that my dream created

They are all real...

What confuses me, I could feel some sparks coming through my heart when I saw their faces in person at the same time.

One of the Kings that sits on the left throne glanced my way, he almost saw me. Until I hide myself behind Alice

" I love a happy ending " the man continues and goes to Edward, he takes his hand and looks him in the eye

"They are so rare. Lacantante. Her blood appeals to you so much, it makes me thirsty, how can you stand to be so close to her? " He says and asks

as the man takes a glance between him and Bella, I tensed up.

I didn't want Bella to be put in any danger knowing how it would affect Uncle Charlie when he found out what was happening right now

"It's not without difficulty " Edward replies as his voice is now raspy and rough. The man lets out a chuckle and holds more of his hand. Edward turns to Bella

" yes, I can see that "

" Aro can read every thought I've ever had with one touch. And now you know everything, so get on with it " He explains and turns to this man named Aro.

They spoke at each other for a few seconds as I watched him walk away and turn back on us

He pulls out his hands while not casting his eyes off Bella

" would you do me the honor? " Aro asks and tilts his head to the side.

I swallowed the lump in my throat and could feel that every eye in this room was on us, there were still some of the guards standing behind us. We were surrounded and there was no turning back

I wanted to step in and stop Bella. But I remembered what Alice told me to stay behind

she walked over to Aro and touched his hand, gasping as he tried to read her mind. Everyone was silent and waited for the answer.

" interesting. Hmm. I see nothing, I wonder if... Let's see if she's immune to all our powers, shall we, Jane " Aro says and turns to look at Jane. She turned and smirked at us

" no! " Edward growls

" pain "

But it was too late when a force stopped him. He begins scrunching his face like he's in pain, slowly, falling to his knees to the ground while Bella screams at them to stop. Alice holds me tightly, I wish I could do something when Jane turns to Bella next

But nothing happens. She snapped out when Aro let out a laugh

Their voices began ringing in my ear as my vision started getting a little dizzy at what happened in seconds. Edward growls and puts Bella behind him to protect her from the guards

Someone snatched me away and I looked worriedly at Alice to see she's also been held.

I looked behind me to see the same guy earlier, holding my both wrists but it wasn't tight enough to cause me pain, he didn't meet my eyes but instead only clenched his jaw.

I gasp when seeing Edward thrown across the room by the tall guard, the floor cracks, and at the end, he is kneeling in front of the Kings.

" no! No! Please, don't hurt him! Hurt me! "

we all looked Bella's way when she started begging for them to stop hurting her ex-boyfriend. Without a second

Aro stood in front of her, a few inches away to sink his teeth deep down to her neck and Bella accepted the fate she would get. Until someone stopped it from happening

" wait! Stop. I-I have something that you want " Alice shouted, the guard let her go and she turned her head to me.

I felt my heart dropped to my stomach as she made her way to me and snatched my arm

" I'm sorry " she mouthed.

I didn't want this to happen but when Alice started bringing me to the center of the room, I could already see the two kings behind Aro standing from their throne. Watching the scene in front of their eyes with curiosity

Alice stopped me in front of Aro before she removed her scarf around my neck and there the sunglasses on the floor. Revealing my identity to the King

I watch their reaction. Aro's face slowly turns into shock while he doesn't cast his eyes off me. The emotion of hope glints in his eyes

" mate " he whispered. And the right moment he said those words. Everything changes

The two other kings stood beside him, looking at me and Aro in shock

" I-is this her? Aro? " The king with blond hair asks.

And he nodded his head in response, to my surprise I was taken away from Alice, and large protective arms were wrapped around me

I look up to see that one of the kings has his arms wrapped around me in an embrace. But I didn't stop him, because the embrace was just not normal, it was full of emotions and I didn't pull away because for the first time

I felt safe and protected

" oh, cara mia... We've waited for you for three thousand years " His voice whispers, he pulls away just to stare down at my face. Our gaze locked and he gently cupped my cheek with his one hand, I flinched because of how cold they were

I was too lost staring into his eyes

" we finally have you "

Most awaited chapter. They're finally here 🥺!!!!


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