chapter 5

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I slightly pushed the man away from me and when he looked at me, he was confused and looked slightly hurt. I looked back at Alice and saw that Bella had Edward back in her arms

" w-what do they mean? " I asked while looking at Alice

she looked down at the floor and Aro smiled at me as he walked over to me

" you're our mate. Soon to be the Queen of Vampires, Tesoro. We waited for you for three thousand years, we keep each other alive just to wait for you " Aro explained

and slowly caressed my face with his one hand while looking deeply into my eyes. I didn't know what to say to them

Three mates? And they're the king of Vampires? How?. Just a few seconds ago they were clarifying Edward and Bella's actions, but now that Alice revealed me, they want me

I feel confused, but... Also happy?

" Aro finished this court now! I want to spend my time with our mate " the blond king complains to his brother

and I notice that Aro rolls his eyes, making me slightly chuckle. But when they heard it, their face lit up knowing that I was okay with everything.

The two other kings stayed beside me, protectively while we watched Aro turn to the group

" i-i have something to show you that you have to see for Bella's future, " Alice says and takes out her hand, Aro grabs hers and looks straight in her eye.

For a few seconds, he went silent and everyone did, waiting for the king's response. When the vision finishes, Aro turns to Bella and Edward

" go now. Make your preparations " he says and turns to the guards that are in the doors

" Let us be done with this, Heidi will arrive any moment " the other tallest king beside me spoke. And I was confused what he meant and who is Heidi

" we will return the favor. I would advise you to follow through on your promises soon. We do not offer second chances " The blond king warns the group as I watch them walk away. I swallowed the lump in my throat and for a brief second, I saw Bella steal a glance at me

"Tesoro, why don't you follow them and have a conversation with them, bring a hard with you. And we will meet you later, how does that sound? " Aro asks and slowly caresses my face again

" i-i will " I replied as the two other kings looked unsure if they wanted to let me go but they did

Jane's brother came up to me with an unemotional face, the doors open and I gave the kings a small smile which they return before I walk out of the room. To see a woman wearing a beautiful red dress walk over us with a bunch of people following her behind

I stared at the innocent people who didn't know what would happen to them in a few seconds, so I walked out of the hallway as fast as I could.

" I'm sorry about it, " the guy says when we finally get out as I take a deep breath

"It's fine... What's your name? " I asked and then to him. He looked a little bit shocked that I spoke to him but he introduced himself anyway

" Alec, my queen " he replies and slightly bowed his head in front of me. I can't help but not to laugh as he looks up at me, confused.

"Please, just call me by my name. Claudia, and I some want anyone to title me a queen " I explained and began walking to find where the group is

" b-but it's the law, you're now our queen, and probably Masters will be disappointed in us if they hear me call you by your name only " Alec protested and I couldn't help but not smile while shaking my head

" you don't have to worry about it Alec, I'll talk to them soon," I said and glanced at him.

A small smile appeared on his face and nod, I was going to ask him how old he was but then I finally spotted Bella with the others

"Bella! " I said in relief as I ran to her and wrapped my arms around her. I noticed Edward who was behind her look down at the floor, I pulled away and smiled

" i-im really glad you're safe, have you called Uncle Charlie yet? " I asked. But Bella's face only shows annoyance and irritation, she shakes her head and doesn't at anything.

My face slowly frowns, knowing something is wrong between me and my cousin. She never replies to me in silence

" Claudia, I'm really sorry, I'm really am. I-I bridged you here because I saw a vision of you, you are right to be here, with your m-mates " Alice explained and I turned to her, she looked at me apologetically

I didn't know what to say to her, it was all of a sudden that I just met Alice inside Uncle Charlie's house and dragged me to Italy, and now I'm here and met my mates.

I remember they explained to me what mates and blood singers are, I quite understand but having mates is more different than they say.

" you don't have anything to apologize about Alice. Probably, w-without you, I wouldn't gonna able to meet them " I said and smiled at her, she smiled back at me before taking me for a hug, squealing in excitement

" you're now my friend! " she continues and pulls away from our embrace.

" so, where are you gonna stay now? " Bella asks, I was taken back slightly by her tone as Edward pulls her back

" i-i don't know. I don't want to stay with my mom, but I want to be in Forks too, and catch up with your dad for a bit " I explained to Bella as she rolled her eyes at me

" Claudia!, you now have this big castle. There's no need for you to come back in forks and be with my dad " she argued but then Alec came in front of her, blocking me from her sight as he growled dangerously

" I suggest you take a step back, human. Threat her again and I won't gonna hesitate to hurt you... Take her out of here before I call the kings and have them change their minds " Alec warns and looks up at Edward who doesn't say anything but pulls Bella with him

I watch as the group walks away with a guard behind them. I slightly feel hurt that they have to leave and how Bella acts to me now

But then the two familiar vampire guards suddenly came in front of me, I jumped and they immediately looked apologetically

" I'm sorry, my queen. We didn't mean to scare you, we just want to introduce ourselves " The man with the brown hair spoke softly. I took a deep breath and brought a smile to my face since they looked harmless and kind

" I'm Demetri, nice to meet you " He says and takes out his hand.

I placed mine to his and blushed when Demetri placed a kiss in my knuckles, the other tall guy beside him chuckles

" If the king saw you, they'll have your head... Anyways. I'm Felix, my queen " the other guys introduces with a smirk on his face and shakes my hand. I can't help but not to laugh at their silliness together

" drop the 'queen' and just call me Claudia "


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