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*October 29th 2012*

I was on my way to go see the management and Simon. I'm pretty sure it's about me not turning up to the date.

Once I've arrived I went straight to the office, and I walked in to see a load of papers on the table with the management and Simon round the table. I made myself clear and then I sat down.

"You didn't show up." Simon stated


"Any reason?" Simon asked

"I basically ran away." I laughed, Simon stood up from his chair and walked towards me.

"Don't laugh, this isn't time for joking. Why didn't you show up?" Simon asked harshly, I looked up to him

"I had a fall out with Harry and Taylor and that's all because you guys are making them date." I said as I stood up from my chair to look Simon in the eyes

"Sit back down." One of the guys said

"Or what?" I asked

I probably shouldn't be giving them an attitude.

I didn't get an answer, I only got Simon shoving me back in my seat then he hunched over my shoulders.

"Do as you are told." Simon said harshly

"I want to end the relationship with Zac." I said as I crossed my arms together

"Why?" One guy asked

"We've been 'dating' for 9 months. We hardly see each other, what's the point? Fans don't even ship us." I explained

"I don't care what the fans think! This isn't about them!" The boss of the management shouted, this took me by surprise. I wasn't expecting him to get this mad for asking to be out of a relationship, that's not even real.

"I don't want to date him! Why can't me and Harry be public?!" I asked, raising my voice

"Young lady, don't you dare raise your voice at me! You do what I tell you to do." He shouted

"Let me break up with him!"

"Fine! It's over with him but you will soon be with someone else." He explained

"Okay. Thank you." I thanked him

"Now get the fuck out of here!" He shouted and as soon as he said that I was out. What the hell was that? That was the first time the management ever raised their voice at me. Simon has always been a little bit of an arsehole but god that was different. I rushed down the stairs and into my car. When I got in the car, I started feeling dizzy and nauseous. My vision was becoming blurry and I started getting sweaty.
Oh no, not this. I struggled to grab my phone but I tried to text Louis.

It's happening again

I hope he sees it soon as I'm starting to lose my breath and feel like my wind pipe is closing up. About 1 minute later, I got an incoming call from Louis. I tried my best to talk to him but I couldn't, he was telling me his trick which was kind of working but not how it was working the other day. I kept trying to tell Louis that it wasn't working but I couldn't get it out. All I was hearing was my heart beats. I did hear that Louis said he was on his way to me. I can't drive like this, that's what he told me anyways.


Louis finally arrived and helped me calm down. He asked me what happened in the meeting that made me have a panic attack and I told him everything. Again, I asked him not to tell anyone but he did say that he's going to get me to see someone as it's only been 3 days since the last panic attack.

As soon as we got home Harry asked us what had happened and why he couldn't know. I didn't know how to get out of this but Louis was coming up with a lie and somehow Harry was believing it. Later that day Harry and Louis decided that just us 3 were having a movie night. We were all lying down on the bed under the duvet, I was in between them. Louis needed to go to the toilet so it was just Harry and I.

"Kenzie?" Harry whispered

"Harry?" I whispered back

"What really happened earlier? Please don't lie." He asked me, I knew he was going to ask me this. I hate lying to him so I might as well just say it.

"I had a panic attack." I replied, he shot up immediately and looked at me in panic.

"What?" Harry asked in complete shock

"I had my first one after that interview, this one was my second one. Louis obviously came to check on me the other day and saw me in mid panic, he helped me calm down. When I was having one earlier I texted him and he called me trying his best to help but it wasn't working so he had to come to me. I'm sorry I didn't tell you, I didn't want you to worry. Louis is getting me to see someone for help, I haven't got anxiety so I need to get some advice and a reason why this is happening to me." I explained, as soon as I finished speaking he hugged me.

"I hope I'm not the reason it first triggered you." He whispered to me and I hugged him back

"Don't worry about it, Harry." I assured him

"I love you, Kenzie."

"I love you too, Harry."

I'm leaving tonight. [h.s]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ