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I'm about to have a phone call with the management about my next stunt relationship. I think this was about who I was next going to 'date.'

It's currently May 16th, and we have done 21 shows since we were at The O2.

Time is moving fast.

We have travelled out of the UK properly now, and we are currently in Switzerland for the show tonight. In fact, we have just finished the soundcheck and are on our way to the main dressing room to do our usual and play video games with the 5 Seconds Of Summer boys. Before we reached the door, my phone started ringing.

This must be it.

"I'm going to take this, I won't be long." I said and the boys all gave me some sort of noise to let me know that they heard as they continued to walk in the room. I carried on walking down the hallway but stopped about 15 yards away from the main dressing room. I answered the call.

"Kenzie Swift?" The person on the other end of the line said.

"Speaking." I said, they then switched me onto the main boss, Simon.

"Hello, Kenzie. It's Simon." He said

"Hi, Simon."

"We are going to be talking to you about your next stunt. For this next one, you cannot break it off after 3 months." Simon explained, I stood back to lean on the wall. Taking this all in.

"Oh, okay. When can I break it off?" I asked

"5 months." Simon replied

5 months?! Let's hope it's someone good.

"Oh, um, okay. That's a lot. Who is it that I'm going to date?" I asked, it took him a few seconds to answer back.

"So, we have looked at a few people and decided to go with Luke Hemmings. We've noticed that you two have a bond and the fans seem to ship you two." Simon replied, explaining everything.

"Luke?" I asked even though I know, I had to have more confirmation that it was Luke.

"Yes, Luke Hemmings from 5 Seconds Of Summer." He replied

I sighed. This was a lot to take in, this could possibly ruin my friendship with Luke.

"Wait, does he know this?" I asked, I had noticed him acting a bit off recently.

"Yes, he knows. He also knows that we are having this conversation." Simon replied

This was making sense, he's been acting off because he knows that him and I are going to happen. I couldn't say no, because first of all I didn't have a good reason why and I didn't want to upset Luke.

He's my friend, nothing will happen.

We won't fall for each other, we don't like each other like that.


I didn't get chance to tell Harry before it was on the news. Simon didn't give me enough time to speak to Harry and Luke. He didn't even warn me or Luke that he was telling the press today.

So here we are, me and Harry in my dressing room arguing. I don't even know why we were arguing. He didn't like the fact I didn't tell him but I had no time to tell him.

We had only 10 minutes left till we needed to go to the stage. I was tying my converses while he was standing by the door.

"I just don't get why you didn't tell me?" He asked, I continued tying my shoes, "you didn't like it when I didn't tell you about Taylor and I, yet you did the same thing as I did."

I'm leaving tonight. [h.s]Where stories live. Discover now