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I woke up with a pounding headache. I opened my eyes to see that Mazie was sitting on the bed sat in front of me on the side. I closed my eyes and sighed.

"Getting drunk before tour?" She said, I opened my eyes and looked at her. I put my hand on my head in pain.

"Why are you here, Mazie?" I asked

"Harry called me. Said that you got a little too drunk last night, blamed me for it." She replied.

"Cool. Where is he, anyways?" I asked, not really wanting to talk to her.

"Out with the boys." She replied

"Right. Can you go? I don't want to speak to you." I said. As I tried to get out of bed, she stopped me.

"No, we need to have a chat."

"No we don't. You said what you said, and I respect that but I don't need to hear it. Please, just leave." I said, I managed to get out of bed before she stopped me again. When I stood up, I suddenly felt dizzy causing me to sit back down. Mazie stood up from the bed and stood in front of me.

"Dizzy?" She asked, I just looked at her. God, this headache was seriously hurting me.

"Please, just go."

"I'm not going anyway until we have spoken." Mazie said, she crossed her arms together.

"Fine, what do you want?" I asked

"Did you get this drunk because of our argument?" She asked, I put my hands down and started fiddling with them, "Kenzie? Why?"

"Why? Because you're right and I hate that. You stormed out, and you didn't even show up to the Brits." I replied, looking down at my feet.

"So you got drunk?" Mazie asked

"It was a way to cope, I didn't know it would get me that drunk." I replied

"I mean, how many glasses did you have?" She asked me and I looked at her.

"Oh my god, stop with all these questions. I'm sick of you lecturing me. I'm 19, I'm old enough to look after myself." I replied, raising my voice.

"Enough to get wasted? Kenz, I'm only trying to help." Mazie said, I stood up slowly this time and walked over to the window. I heard her following me.

"Just go, Mazie." I said, crossing my arms together. I began to feel a bit sick.

"Look Kenzie, I was only trying to help. You're my best friend, Kenny, and I love you so much. Don't you realise what the management is doing?" Mazie asked

Not this again.

"I do, Mazie, I do. But I can't stop them, I signed the contract and plus I didn't know it was going to be like this, please just drop it." I explained, she grabbed my arms and pulled me into a hug.

"I'm sorry, Kenz." She whispered

"Me too."

She pulled away from the hug, and grabbed hold of my arms.

"Now, can you promise me not to go to alcohol when you need to cope with something?" She asked, looking deep into my eyes.

"I promise."


I've been sleeping for the past 3 hours. Mazie left when Harry came back, which was an hour ago. She was looking after me although I was asleep but she just wanted to make sure I wasn't going to be sick or anything. We soon left the hotel not long after Harry came back. He packed our things while I was lying in bed, then he helped me down to the car. Fans were outside so I covered myself, I tried my best to at least. During the car journey back to ours, the boys made sure I wasn't going to be sick. I leant on Harry's shoulder for most of the journey.

I couldn't keep my eyes open so when we arrived home Louis and Harry helped me get inside and in bed. I was knackered, all I wanted to do was sleep. Once I was in bed, Harry sat down.

"Kenzie." He said

"Please save the lecture." I said, he shook his head

"Why did you do it?" He asked

What part of 'save the lecture' does he not get?

"Can a girl not drink alcohol at an awards show?" I asked, I mean it's true.

"It's just a coincidence that you got that drunk just after an argument with Mazie." Harry replied

"Sorry that she decided to argue with me on the day." I said, I turned on my side, not looking at Harry.

"Luckily you were tipsy for the performance so the management couldn't say anything. Kenzie, I heard the argument." Harry said

"I wouldn't say it was an argument, more like a disagreement." I stated

"Okay, well, I heard the disagreement." Harry said, he grabbed my hand and held it.

"Okay, cool."

"Kenzie, the tour starts soon, it's unlike you getting drunk nights before." Harry explained

"It was an awards show! I'm sorry that I wanted to enjoy my evening. Why are you so mad about it?" I asked, this was really getting me frustrated.

"I'm not mad, just trying to look out for you." Harry replied, I looked at him.

"Mazie and I talked, we're okay." I stated, Harry nodded and kissed my forehead.

"Love you, okay? Get some sleep." Harry said, he got up and walked out.

"Love you too." I whispered.

He didn't hear it obviously. I soon went to sleep and had a couple of hours before I wanted something to eat but managed to go back to bed. I woke up with Harry lying next to me, he was asleep though. Today was our last rehearsal before the tour. Our first show is tomorrow, it is going to be in London. We were filming this tour but only in London in April, we have 5 more shows in April at the O2 in London. Throughout this tour we would record a few things but not every single thing. My hangover was slightly gone, I still had a headache but it wasn't as bad. I put on some leggings with just a plain black top and my grey jumper. I didn't need to dress up as it's just a rehearsal. The boys were wearing something similar but instead of leggings, they wore jogger bottoms.

Rehearsals didn't take long, it was still long but not as long as it was the other day. I covered one of my songs that I've chosen to cover, which was after we came back from the stage lift. Mazie was there, watching all of us. She said she was coming to the show tomorrow night, and Mum said she was going to try and make it as well. She said that she's going to bring Nolan, I haven't spoken or seen him for so long. I can't wait to see him.

When we arrived back home, Harry and I watched TV and just hung out. The other boys stayed for a bit but then went home. We weren't late to bed as we had to wake up early to travel to the O2, although it's not far we had to do soundcheck and everything.

Harry and I snuggled up together in bed. I drifted off not long after him.

I'm leaving tonight. [h.s]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz