Chapter 24

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After a few minutes of silence, I stood up, stretching in various directions. "Ugh, it feels good to actually be able to move..." I mumbled.

Do you normally talk out loud to yourself?

Only when I feel alone, and I don't particularly count a voice in my head as not alone.

I went over to the desk and picked up the phone, looking at it. "Hmm...maybe I should do some Geno research..."

I sat down and started researching Geno and his story.

After a few minutes, I came to the conclusion that the AT I was in was very different from Geno's story.

Geno apparently came from an AU called Aftertale...which was the same as Error's and someone called Fatal_Error.

"Weird...I didn't know Error came from an AU...I thought he just was a Sans that...existed." I muttered to myself.

All of us came from some AU. I can't say that I know exactly the AU everyone came from, but we all did.

I'd just assumed, at minimum, Ink and Error were Sanses that just existed.

Since you're so keen to pry into the lives of others, why not just look for yourself? Surely someone has the answers.

Maybe later...I'm not dealing with Error or Ink at the moment.

I continued my research.

Geno was a Sans who became stuck in the Save screen and...wanted to end his universe? The Geno I saw seemed more in tune with the universe he was in...and also wasn't stuck in a Save screen. Nor did he look as creepy as the depiction on the web page stated.

I shook my head. This was confusing...

I put down the phone and crossed my arms, thinking. How had Geno been able to see my health bar...? Not even Sans could see that...

Maybe if you kept reading, you'd find out. As far as I know, only a Frisk or a Chara can see a health bar.

I sighed and picked the phone back up, continuing the reading.

Geno had eventually escaped by...taking Chara's determination. Huh. Okay, maybe that's how he saw my health bar? But...he was in an AT of the original timeline, not an AU of sorts...

He has to have some semblance of a soul to exist, not just determination.

Well, I WOULD ask him...but...he thinks I killed people...

Too bad. More knowledge equals more exploitation of fears.

I rolled my eyes. Of course you would say that.

Before I could continue researching Geno, the door to the room opened. I glanced over and saw Sam. "Oh, hi, Sam! Is your little one okay?"

She nodded. "I checked on him as soon as I got home. He's fine."

I smiled. "That's good. See, I knew he was fine! Nightmare just likes to be a jerk sometimes."

She didn't smile back. "I have some bad news, though, regarding him."

"Uh oh. What do they want from him now?"

She shuffled uneasily. "They...want to see this void studied. And Nightmare himself studied rather than just a piece of him since I made visual contact with him."

They're insane.
"That's insane!" Nightmare and I spoke at the same time.

Sam winced. "I tried to talk them out of it. Really, I did. But they're stubborn mules who don't realize how dangerous Nightmare is."

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