Chapter 25

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At some point, I had cried myself to sleep. Surprisingly, I woke up in the same hospital room I had disappeared from.

I sniffled, rubbing my puffy eyes. I had cried out most of my grief, but lingering bits of guilt still remained.

I stood up from the bed, knowing that I had to leave before they tried to put me back in a cell.

I peeked out of the room but saw no one immediately in the area. I swiftly walked down the hall, looking for the exit.

I slowed my quick pace to that of a normal one when I passed a desk with a receptionist. She paid me no mind as I walked out of the front door back into the streets of whatever town I was in.

I sighed in relief. Now I just needed to relax and let myself have a moment of peace.

I walked through the town slowly, taking in the sights. The sun had almost set fully, so the street lights were beginning to turn on.

It was...nice. I could almost forget the situations I had gone through over the last few days.

...I missed Dream. And the original timeline Frisk. I hoped they were doing okay...

I crossed my arms, letting my thoughts wander quietly as I walked. I wasn't particularly paying attention when I turned a corner, nearly running into someone. A tall someone.

I paused, looking up. It was this timeline's Asgore.

"Ah, my apologies, young one."

I smiled shakily. I-It's okay. I wasn't quite paying attention.

He tilted his head, looking at my neck. "Are you okay? You seem injured."

I pulled my shirt up a bit, trying to cover my neck. It's nothing, it's nothing...

Asgore looked concerned. "Young one, come, come, let me get you some tea. That should help you."

I chuckled weakly. Okay...

He took me inside a flower shop and went to the back, getting stuff ready for some tea. I looked around, taking in the beauty of the shop. It smelled nice.

After a few minutes, Asgore came back with a couple of cups of tea. He handed me a cup and I took it with a quiet thank you.

I sipped the tea silently for a moment. I felt the aches in my neck disappear and sighed in relief.


I'll never get over how easy it is to heal wounds around here...

"What do you mean, child?"

I paused for a moment. Well...I'm not from around here. Wounds don't heal this easily for me. Where I'm from, it'd take a week or two for that bruise you saw to heal...

"How strange..."

I nodded slightly, sipping more tea. The tea is nice. Thank you again.

He smiled. "Of course, young one. I can't help but want to help when someone is hurt."

I smiled shakily, finishing the tea. I set the cup down. I should probably get going.

"I'm just closing up shop. May I walk you to your destination?"

I blushed slightly, feeling embarrassed. I...don't actually have a destination. I've just been wandering the streets, mostly.

He tilted his head. "You do not have a home?"

...I...I do, sorta. Just not around here.

"Why don't you come to my home, then? I am sure my family will not mind."

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