Part 3

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---after 1 week

--at taehyung's house

The bell rang and i saw riana i came down and hugged her and i notice she is not at all comfortable talking in the main hall. So i asked her to come to my room 

 So i asked her to come to my room 

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I said ask hand over her a couple of fashion magazines.

This is what I actually i asked suk to bring you for.

She take them from her, her eyes widening when she realize that these are brand catalogues — mostly mine. Also i didn't really asked suk to bring her for this.

I'm the official kim's stylist,

i said and , grinned.

As you'll soon learn, we try to keep most things in the family rather than relying on anyone else, so I dress all of us. I'm here to find out what you like. I've got a pretty good idea based on the last few times I saw you, but I wanted to check in anyway and make sure you chose a few of your favorite pieces.

she blink in confusion.

You mean you won't just choose for me?

I hesitates and nods.

Is that what your previous stylist did?

i asked, her in voice soft, cautious.

Did they pick your clothes without any input from you?

Riana freeze, suddenly unsure of how to answer to my question. So that's how it is just same as my condition back then .

As i don't want her to be discomfort i starts to flick through one of the magazines and hands it to her.

How do you feel about a casual style like that?

I asked her, showing her a girl dressed in dark jeans and a cute emerald top. I know she never had worn anything like this

I can wear jeans if I want to?

she ask without thinking. She is just like me i had a little hope she didn't suffer like me and val in childhood but look like it look like she is the same cup of tea. I took her hand in my hand and smiled at her again but i can see it didn't reach her eyes.

You're a Kim.You can wear whatever you want, Riana. You could leave the house in a garbage bag with a hole cut out for your head, and The Herald will praise you for setting a new affordable fashion standard.

I grits my teeth then.

Or they'll tear you apart for some kind of fabricated reason that'll increase their advertising revenue and clicks. They're good at that.

i tensed , remembering the articles they wrote they wrote about me , and the way they incited people to turn against me and my brand.

I never got to thank you properly

she murmur, changing the subject.

For my wedding dress.

I smiled at her and said

It was my pleasure. You looked truly radiant, and Suk couldn't take his eyes off you. The way he carried you out of the reception hall was the stuff of fairytales.

I couldn't control my cheek from becoming pink i know we are not that close to talk about that and all but i wanted her to open her heart to me like val but she also couldn't help but blush along with me.

How did you know?

She asked to me carefully and i correctly understand she is asking about the weeding dress. I roamed my eyes over her face. And i was able to see the correct reflection of my unsecureness when i was young just written on her face. She looked away i remembered val said to me that whenever i roam eyes around her face for the first time it was like i could see though all the secrets secrets are written all over her face. I know that is also the reason riana used to keep distance with me whenever we met before.

One day I had to review the boutique's security footage because I'd lost my bracelet, and I saw you staring at that dress.

i carefully toned

Something about the way you looked didn't sit well with me, so I reviewed the security footage of all your visits. Each time, you stared at that dress in awe, but you never even asked to try it on.

I could see her tense feeling vulnerable maybe it never occurred to her there were cameras in my boutique. I don't wanted her to feel that so i-

Riana it's not something to be ashamed i-


I also seen a weeding dress i wanted to pick to wear for my weeding back then but i was same as you i had no courage afraid it will be too plain to be worn in a kim's wedding  but somethings has changed riana at that time for me there was no sister-in-law or anyone older than me but for you and val i'm there so i hope you treat me as your own sister not some big sister-in-law when val comes from her vacation we will have a girls night and she is same as me you will feel good with us around and don't hide yourself not from me or from suk.

She hugged me tightly and let me go i chuckled at her cuteness

You are cute no wonder suk fallen head over heels for you.

She blushed

Also riana

I again soften my voice

My security system is very comprehensive, and it includes sound. I wasn't comfortable with how dismissive your mother and sisters were of you, or the way they spoke of you when you weren't in the room. It reminded me a little of the way my step mother and half sisters always treated me. It's why I asked them to leave on your wedding day. Hope you will not hold on to that right?

I know she understood i was trying to tell her to stand for herself infront of her family so before she could say anything i showed her a variety of other outfit and designs

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