10: outing

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*TW: panic attack*

      After the initiation, it was like an extreme weight of tension had lifted from his shoulders.

The circlet mark on his wrist throbbed like a reminder the day after it was placed, sore, and yet he found he didn't mind the feeling. Now, a sense of belonging seemed to fizzle out any residual anxiety about his new housem— packmates.

      Of course, Quinn still felt a bit daunting to be around, and Marcy felt a little more unfamiliar compared to Sylvie or Vale, but they seemed to be trying their bests not to appear intimidating, just as he was trying his best to be brave in their presences. After the initiation, they'd all eaten their Rune-Made breakfast, lunch, and dinner together in the living room, Silas tucked into the recliner chair furthest of the other seating arrangements. It had been a slow, lounging day, discovering new meals and TV and radio songs and having clipped conversation. Before he realized it, the sun was going down, and he'd retired to his bedroom that night.

By morning the next day, he'd showered and brushed his teeth and prepared to dress himself in another soft, cozy pair of oversized pajama pants— only to realize there were no more at his dresser. Quickly redressing in the discarded pajamas he'd worn overnight, he peers open the bedroom door just in time to find Rune exiting his across the hall.

      "I have no more clothes." He says quietly when Rune notices his presence. A few halls down they hear two doors swing open. "Out of clothes?" Sylvie and Vale call curiously before Rune could so much as open his mouth. "Who's out of clothes?!" Silas hears, from farther in the house, the booming voice belonging to Quinn.

"Silas is!" Vale shouts back. Silas cringes. Looks like one problem immediately becomes The Packs' problem. Rune just looks amused at the back and forth house-wide acknowledgement. "How about we go out and get some essentials for you today?" He suggests, bringing Silas's attention back to the alpha.

      "...Go out?" He inquires timidly, half hidden behind his door.

"Yeah!" Rune smiles. "It's a Thursday morning. The mall can't be all that busy today, surely. You can pick out anything you want to make your stay more comfortable." The alpha explains. Silas's fingers fidget with the edge of the door, considering. "So... not too many people, right?" He echos. He remembers the doctors office— he'd walked by two other omegas just fine. He could do that, especially when the prospect of getting even more cozy clothes was there. "Right." Rune says.

"Okay," Silas replies, but it gets drowned out by Quinn's excited shout from the opposite side of the house. "Pack Outing!!"

      With Silas, Vale, and Sylvie in Rune's car and Quinn and Marcy in another they drove to the mall. The parking lot they drive into was a huge concrete expanse, wrapped all around the massive building— bigger than any agency, surely. It's not very packed, like Rune said, and they find a spot close to the entrance that Silas sees ahead.

      "Ground rules," Rune says, as they exit the vehicle. Vale and Sylvie trod off to join Marcy and Quinn a few cars down, and Silas looks up at the alpha curiously. "If things get too loud, or crowded, or— you just feel nervous in any way, don't be afraid to let me know. We can leave any time you need to. This trip is about you, after all." It's meant to be comforting, but Silas seems offended at the idea— the acknowledgement of his weakness, in his mind. He huffs a petulant sound in response. But, Rune needs confirmation. "Okay?" He presses, gently.

      "...Okay." Silas mutters, yielding. Rune's alpha preens.

"Good. I'd also like if you stayed close to us. The mall can be easy to get lost in." Rune adds, as they catch up to the rest of the pack, chatting amongst themselves. Silas doesn't verbalize a reply this time, but, seemingly on purpose, he lags an extra foot behind them.

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