The Return

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So, here I am standing before "The Royal Blue Moon", that is what this palace like structure is called. This is where the pack's important events and balls take place.

By the looks of it I AM LATE! Scratch that, I was forced to come late. Since my friends called it ' the return of the rejected mate' and I was supposed to show up 'fashionably late'. They said that. Anna had arranged the ride for dropping and picking me, so that made this easier.

Thank God, I was spared from the torture of so called 'becoming beautiful by applying layers of paint thing'. Well, people call it make-up. Since I prefer authenticity when it comes to beauty, I managed to coax them to agree on light make-up. As for hairstyle, I let them do whatever they wanted. And holy cow, did I look beautiful. It's a freaking YES.

Now time to get on the stage. Just kidding, I never liked the idea of being spotlight person. And what is good, Lia and Sarah are gonna be there since they left before me. Ah yes, Alex being the Beta, he is sure to be there. Sarah said her brother was busy and a birthday party was the last thing he wanted to bother himself with. Very Rogue King like. I smile at the thought.

Am I forgetting something. HOLY SHIT! I am to be facing the fucking Alpha and his bitch right now.

"Ah, the time has come to kick his ass, huh?"

Huh? I blink, am I imagining things. Did I hear right?

"Stop being over dramatic girl, and no you are not imagining things. I thought I would enjoy the look on his face on our elegance."


Two months, it's been two months ever since I last spoke to my wolf. Since we had been rejected and broken, she chose to block me and heal. That is what I tried doing as well. Even though both of us were completely different we were strong. Different how? If I chose peace she craves destruction.

"You are back Rieka?" I ask, more like a statement.

"Yeah bud, all well and good. It feels good. It's time you show the real you, Em. Let's make him regret his poor choice, girly." She replies with her enthusiasm. Unlike me, she wanted revenge from Jason the very moment we were rejected. And me, I ran away. I always run away from reality. I always run away from pain. But this time I had to face it straight up. I still had a chance to turn away, no I will not. That bastard is the last person I want be afraid of.

"Right." I reply.

I walk ahead and a mixture of smell hits my nose. Alcohol, desserts, cake, different wolves. However, I try to distinguish and trace the presence of my friends.

The moment I step in all eyes snap towards me. Damn it, this is the result of being fashionably late. But this time I am not going to shy away, because I am not really scared of these wolves, I don't even give a damn. I had my reasons to act scared but now I will just be myself and enjoy.

"Ha that's like my girl." My wolf encourages me.

I straighten my back, rise my chin, with the corners of my lips arrogantly lifted, letting out the required amount of power for people to sense with the beautifully wrapped gift, I make my entry.

People stared at me with their jaws dropped and started making space for me to move until I could see the birthday girl at the end of the path in her violet dress, she looked stunning. The looks on the face of my former pack members was worth it.

"Emmy, you came." Anna cried joyfully. As expected, she must have considered the possibility of me showing up a zero. And here I am.

"Happy birthday baby girl." I wish her as I get closer and start handing the small gift I prepared for her. Small as in the size of it, but the necklace within had cost me a fortune. It had my life's worth of savings.

Once I handed it, she started unwrapping and finally opened it revealing the necklace I prepared for her

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Once I handed it, she started unwrapping and finally opened it revealing the necklace I prepared for her. I know, being the sister of my enemy, I must have hated her. But she knew my deepest secrets. It was an accident, and I was weary if she were to reveal it. Of course, the only other person who knew was the Tyler, I, even now used his ability to protect my identity.

"Look who's here? Isn't she the rejected runaway bitch? Who let a Rogue in?" Suddenly there was an interjection in our friendship bonding. And considering the words clearly dipped with venom the voice belonged to the bitch herself.

Anna tries to speak but I do not give her the opportunity.
"Oh, look finally seems like she's done playing getting laid and chose a decent job." I say and smile calmly.

"And what about your poor mate, whom you cheated upon even before you met him." I continue with the same smirk feigning sympathy.

The shock on the faces around us was a sight to behold. Their faces turned into disbelief as to my way of expressing the gratitude for what she gave me. Note the sarcasm.

As for Selena, she was dumbstruck. She never expected a bold comeback from me, like everyone else.

I turned away to meet the proud smiles of my friends. Anna, Lia, Sarah and Alex stood there proudly. Lia and Sarah looked exotic in their Emarald green and black dress. As for Alex, he looked totally handsome in black suit, with his usually messy brown hair pulled back neatly complementing his bright jade like eyes, he excluded power. A really reliable Beta. Unlike other Betas, his aura screamed authority. A completely different Alex I knew. He looked like Alexander Greece right now.


That said, finally Esmeray' s wolf is back. And about the deep secret and abilities, it's gonna be fun.

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