The Wolves in Love

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And here I am baking chocolate cake. It's been about three days since the incident with Leah and we both seem to get along quite well. She even mentioned me as a friend.

So, in the last visit I asked her for what she wanted to eat, "Cake, chocolate cake" she had said while a ton of emotions played in her eyes. Must somehow relate to her mom.

By her story it sounds like her mother never loved her, yet she craved for the love she never got. It was same with her dad as well, but for some reason she had lost hope on attaining his love.

Turns out, she wasn't wrong there. A year after her mom moved out to God knows where, her father married a refugee rogue, she-wolf. He had twins with her. A male and a female. Nevertheless, of their origin Leah showered all her love towards them as her half-siblings and they were the only ones to return her love it seems. But fate isn't easy for just anyone. Due to some unfortunate events, she skipped that part where they died, or I wonder, maybe, just maybe they are alive but hidden away.
Well, it's my instinct and nothing more so I didn't mention it anyway.

"It smells delicious. What are you baking?" Amelia's voice brings me out of my line of thoughts.

"Chocolate cake." I reply as I slap her hand away from the bowl of remaining cake batter, from which she was about to get a taste of.

"Rude, Luna." She mutters faking a pout while rubbing the hand I slapped with the other one.

"Who in their right mind does that?" Alex says as he walks in.

"Fuck of Alex!" She retorts.

"They are at it again." Sarah adds as she approaches me from the other side of the counter.

It has been a habit for them to come into the private kitchen of my mate for the meals, ever since its existence it seems. And they even take turns cooking here, the five of them, Leah included. And the best part, my mate is the best cook among them. They even rated my cooking to be the next, not as good as my mate but still better than them. They even spend their free time here even when he's not around. Well, good for me, I won't be bored out of my mind alone here. 

I mentally sigh as I remember my mate. He's been out since that incident. Some Alpha stuff he had said. I have barely spent two days with him and I already feeling lovesick here. Also, I haven't collected my stuffs from my apartment, and my phone is still there. Ah, my mate, I want to see him so bad. I feel my wolf urging to run off in search of our mate. 

"Whatever, it's not like you care." Alex's sudden raise of voice brings me back to my current job at hand- whipping some creme in order to decorate the cake. It wasn't like Alex to raise his voice in such a threatening way. He seemed kinda pissed. 

"I didn't mean it like that." Amelia whines lowly trailing behind Alex as he walks towards the living room.

"What just happened." I ask Sarah. "It's not like them to get into real arguments." I continue. 

"Yep, seems like both of them are anxious." Sarah provides as if I were to know. 

"Why? Is something the problem? Is the pack in any danger?" I blurt out in one go. Both of them were the important title holders of the pack, so it only made sense if they were out of it. 

"Not like that idiot. I will tell you later." Sarah whisper yells as she moves towards them. 

"Yeah, right, I am starting to wish I never met you, Lia." I hear Alex yell from the inside. 

"I am starting to wish that too, I hate you! Alex! It's not like it's my fault. I have not done a fucking thing." I hear Lia yell close to breaking down as I make my way towards them.

Woah, what's up with them. I am used to them bickering, but this isn't their usual one, they are seriously arguing. 

"You guys need to calm down first. It is not anyone's fault." Sarah tries to handle the situation. But I somehow feel like she knows it's not possible for her to do that, that easily. 

As I enter the living area I come to face with a crying Lia, pissed off Alex ready to shift anytime now and a seemingly helpless Sarah trying to hold things together. 

"Whatever. This is hell." Alex delivers before turning around and living with a loud thud of the door shutting. Lia follows suit the same way with tears in her eyes. As I am about to follow them Sarah holds my hand and stops me. 

"What the fuck Sarah? They need us!" I yell at her annoyed rubbing my wrist that she held. Yep, she was strong for a normal she-wolf and my wrist hurt like hell. 

"Let them be, they need time to sort out their emotions." She emphasized.

She looks at the red shade on wrist and apologizes over and over again. That has happened before too.  

"See, their thoughts are in a peril." she acknowledges as she takes her usual seat on the couch motioning me to join her. I oblige anyway not before looking towards the door once. 

"I had been wanting to talk to you about this for some time now. You had your own stuffs to take care of, also Leah too. Well, it's only a week before Ami's birthday." She confirms.

And everything starts to make sense now. Alex and Amelia both were totally in love with each other without even realizing it. Alex was already eighteen, and Lia would be turning eighteen in a week. It only makes sense that both of them were anxious about not being mates. There was a fifty-fifty chance, so they were worried. Sarah knew that but couldn't do anything since nothing could be done, of course. It just had to happen, and no is to be blamed. All we can do is give them time just like she said.

"But we can't let this go on." She complained.

"Yes, we can at least talk them out separately. You go to Lia, and I will take care of Alex." I declare.

"Wait- no, never mind, it's better that way. I would rather go console the depressed Ami than that pissed of crazy Beta." She debates with more like herself.

Then she gives me a bright smile.
"We are going to get through this. It's gonna pose as a problem to the pack as well." She claimed before standing up and following out the house.

"Do your best." I mimicked my mate; I had seen him do that before. 

"Yes, Luna." She grins proudly. I see admiration in her eyes as she turns away. 

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