Surface Waters

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As the rustling of crisp leaves approaches, I see a woman walking towards this bridge. She has a bundle of clothes...? in her hands? Peculiar.

Leaning on the railing I wait for her to arrive. And she does. She looks down at the tranquil river. And I know why, of course I know why. Probably wondering if this river can provide her with the peace someone else failed to?

She didn't miss the sight of me but did not deem me worthy of her attention. The only thing I could catch from her eyes was relief upon finding out I am a woman too, although I just guessed it. I wonder if this girl would stay unfazed when she knows I am not human.

She stands on the edge of the bridge, holding the bundle close to her chest. 

She extends her arms to throw it in the river but two twinkling eyes peeked from the white fabric. It's not easy to let go of a part of your flesh and blood, is it?

And it hurts more than taking your own life, for regret lasts longer than pain...

I am no god who can renounce her from suffering, but a demon who makes one devoid of regrets. Amounting to a price, needless to say.

"Why do you fear death?" The woman was caught off guard by my sudden introspection and lack of salutations. 


"I asked why do you fear death?"

She looks at her child who she had sheltered a little too well from the cold. "I don't."

I raise the obvious question, "Then why are you afraid of the river? And if you're not you should be. Death by drowning is utter helplessness and agony."

She looks at me with tear-filled eyes, "How much time does it take for one to die by drowning?... I mean, you look- like you fight..." She says looking at my sword "So... I thought you would- know." She adds to her defence.

I smile. Call it the innocence in her eyes or the foolishness of her words. "Less than a minute. For you."

The mother and her child have the same pure eyes, glinting with the innocence of ignorance. But the faint curve of my lips disappears as the next words slip through hers,

"Your smile is beautiful," I stare at her blankly, and try to study her thoroughly. Her words have me questioning certain things.

"That... doesn't answer my question"

"You're not a human, right?" She asks with a nihilistic smile. 

I blink in disbelief. She looks purely domesticated, by merely glancing at her hands I can tell she has never held a sword. And me, my body is devoid of the scent belonging to a demon. How does she know... 

"I asked why do you fear death?" The way I spoke was somewhat defensive.

"And I answered. I said I don't." Her voice is delicate, and so is her smile. Her eyes, however... a puzzle. The innocence I mentioned earlier, the ignorance... where is it? 

"Then tell me why do you not fear death?" 

She playfully pinched me with her words again, "But I have a question waiting in line, you're not a human...right?" A character akin to hers is the last thing  I imagine in a place like this.

Her unpredictability made me admire her. "How could you tell?..." I smiled again.

"A woman standing with no fear in the middle of a forest, alone... where robbers and demons reside... cannot be a human." Her eyes held more curiosity than fear, but her embrace of the child in her arms got more firm. Perhaps she doesn't realise it. A mother's instincts are self-regulating and it's evident. "It is said that anyone who passes this bridge after sunset never returns. Are you a vengeful spirit? or the spirit of this river killing anyone who crosses your property?"

Till The Moon ShinesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz