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If anything commendable about the Captain's lady except her kindness and calmness, was her adaptability. In a few months, she had adjusted to her expectations. She knew that if her husband was the ideal of his battalion, she had to be the ideal of their wives. 

Who wouldn't adore such a woman who had given up her lavish lifestyle to be perceived equal to the wives of other samurais, not someone above them. But that is exactly what put her on a pedestal, her disciplined and her dutiful yet easygoing nature.

No one likes to get out from a warm blanket in the mornings of crisp winter when the sun doesn't greet you, even she doesn't. Yet pushing her sloth away, she wakes up for the sake of her duty. Getting ready and going to the temple had become her routine, the children would be waiting.

"Running away from adversities doesn't end them. Nothing can stop what is bound to happen." She preached, sitting on the temple's steps as the children surrounded her.

A young boy complained, "Then why not just end your life?"

Megumi's neck snaps to the side, "Ryo-kun who's teaching you that?"

"Budhha said in my ear". Ryo giggled and Megumi twisted that ear "Oww! Nee-san why?!"

"Budhha asked me to twist ears of the kids who lie." He rubbed his ear with a pout. "And about your question... Yes, life is full of suffering and there is no escape. A human cannot be entirely happy he's either less sad or plain delusional."

The kids were gawking at her and One of them finally asked, "But Nee-san, you are happy right? So are you less sad or delusional?"

Silence drew upon the preacher. 'Happy... I am happy, yeah. I have a loving husband, everyone in the village likes me I am happy. Why am I even reasoning when I know I'm-'

Ryo held Zoned-out Megumi's hand "Ouch fu-!" she winced.

"I'm so sorry Nee-san!" The boy screeched backing away apologetically.

Her hands. Her cold hands with bruised and swollen fingers. Her hands never looked this way no matter how cold the weather got. But yeah, she never had to collect and chop firewood, set up a stove, mop, and do the dishes herself. 'Happy?...' She unknowingly smiled to herself.

Oh and, where was the loving husband? 

He would leave for his post early morning keeping an eye on any movements from the enemy without disturbing his sleeping wife. Maybe even giving her a peck on her cheeks or forehead before he left, who knows? He would come back every night for her! A batch of soldiers would get a day off once every fourteen days except him because how could the captain stay back any day?

Not to forget he hasn't ever mentioned her swollen and blackened fingers, to not make her insecure of course. Now we can't doubt the man's care, can we? The one who calls her his pride...

"I almost forgot, where is Kishibe?" She asked looking around.

"Probably the bowl head got sick again," Ryo sneered followed by crackeling of other children.

Megumi showed him a slap, "Ayy! Don't call that little guy names. And now you all go home. Have breakfast and help your moms, go go go go go!"

The kids were gone, leaving her with a question that she fortunately didn't have enough time to ponder upon. She needed to get wood from the forest, prepare lunch and give it to Fuhimito. Fuhimito? Her sweet mother-in-law's nephew... the one she was supposed to send lunch for, the one mentioned in that diary, remember him? Remember him. 

That poor guy works as a messenger for the local landlord, taking his horse from here to there to nobody knows where. Messengers are crucial for lords, carrying information, lives... However, Megumi was made in charge of his one-time meal.

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