clothes and class

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Camp Toccoa, Georgia
September 1942

Getting out of the military jeep and walking on the uneven terrain of camp Toccoa with high heels turned out to be a great challenge to Joanne Sink, and the fact that she never wore heels this high did not help her at all in her current predicament.

Even though the outfit she was wearing was incredibly impractical, she couldn't help but feel beautiful and and classy, something she was always taught to be. While wearing a simple black dress with a gorgeous long black trench coat, those beautiful but very uncomfortable sleek black heels and a matching black beret perched on her head while having her dark brown hair in a tight ponytail.

All together it screamed rich and classy to her. She took pride in the moments she felt like this, but it wasn't exactly who she was, this was who she was raised to be.

'I told you that wearing that outfit would be impractical' James Sink, her older brother said with a teasing tone and a smirk, while also smoothing down his crisp, black English suit with a dark grey tweed jacket on top. Seeing his sister having some difficulties with getting out of the jeep was obviously amusing to him, Jo obviously thought otherwise.

Even though wearing those dark colours suited the Sink children very well, Joanne couldn't help but think they looked ready to go to a funeral,which funnily enough was exactly what they had to do before leaving for Toccoa.

'Yeah well i would love to see you walking around in these fucking clothes, you'd complain every second of wearing them, plus i'm the same height as you in these heels so stop yapping and help me out, please, dear brother' Jo retorted, not feeling like being teased by her brother, especially after all the events that happened the days prior.

Surprisingly, the older boy ('i'm not a boy, i'm a man!' he would say) helped his sister get out of the vehicle and onto the sandy terrain of camp Toccoa, where their father, Colonel Sink currently resided.

Their driver, a man named Lorraine walked ahead of them, having already been told where to lead them after arriving.

The siblings walked, or more like strutted, with Joanne's hand in the crook of her brothers elbow, behind the man through the military training camp. Trying to convince themselves and the others around them that they weren't filled to the brim with nerves.

While James and Joanne could feel and hear themselves getting stared and whispered at. Jo could make out some of the things the men were saying like;

'What are those elegant posh fuckers strutting around here for? Probably feeling like they're so much better than us'

'Look at those legs! I wouldn't mind seeing her behind our barracks tonight!'

'You gotta admit they gotta lotta class and money looking like that'

Those comments, among others, were heard from all around them. Most were about the siblings' clothes and how they apparently felt superior to the men being trained there.

'Jamie, hear what they're saying? They sound absolutely ridiculous!' Jo complained, not taking her eyes of the path infront of them. Not feeling very bothered, more annoyed by all the men looking her up and down, sizing her up as if they were predators and she was their prey.

'I'm hearing them all loud and clear, Jo. They also don't look like they're very pleased with us being here. But you have to admit that we do look very good and classy' the older of the pair said, also not taking his eyes of the path infront of them while making his sister roll his eyes at his comment.

'You might be correct, but we're not here to play 'dress to impress' , James. We are here to visit our father, and inform him of some... stuff' Joanne said, still feeling very nervous about the news they had to deliver to their father.

Before James had the opportunity to say some comforting words to his sister, private Lorraine turned around to announce to the siblings that they arrived at their fathers office, surprising them at how they arrived there so quickly before leading them inside and knocking on a light wooden door.

'Come in!' an authoritative, and familiar voice said from inside, making the soldier open the door to the room, greeting his superior with a salute and a 'good morning sirs' . After letting the Sink siblings in, he then shut the door behind him to go do whatever he was doing before picking the Sink siblings up.

Jo didn't waste a second and ran to her father to give him a hug, not even noticing the other two men who were apparently present in the room. The men that she would later notice was not something on her mind in those first moments, all she cared about was finally seeing her dad.


Not very happy with the ending or the amount of words, but as this is the first chapter, i wanted to give some insight in James and Joanne's relationship and a first glimpse of their personalities! Hope you all enjoyed the very first ACTUAL chapter!!!

DO IT WITH CLASSOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora