oma Julia and bad planning

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TW: Addiction, body shaming and mentions of ED (this will only be a topic in the first 3, maybe 4 chapters)

Camp Toccoa, Georgia
September 1942

"Dad, we're not children anymore!" James complained, not happy with still being called a child at the - according to him - ripe age of twenty four.

"You are though! I'm not a boy! I'm a man!" Jo mocked her brother, trying to imitate his voice.

"I am a man! I'm twenty four! I'm older than you Jo!' The older brother defended himself, adding a 'And I don't sound like that!" before crossing his arms, only proving Jo's words to be more true than even she thought they were.

"Okay, then explain why your voice hasn't changed since you were thirteen?" The younger woman teased again, getting fun out of riling up her older brother.

Before James could could even think of talking back, their dad spoke up again, already knowing their bickering wouldn't stop for a good while otherwise.

"James, Joanne, you can continue this at a later time. Right now we have other things to discuss, don't we?" The Colonel said with a pointed look directed towards both his son and daughter.

Shit, for a second they both forgot about why they were at their fathers office or at Toccoa in general to begin with. Jo looked at her older brother, then her father, then at the other two men in the room, then to her brother again.

The colonel and the lieutenants were confused as to why she was looking around so much, but James understood, she tried to say "now? with everyone here?" to him without words. James understood, he just nodded.

Before she could start her sentence, the oldest Sink caught onto his daughters unsaid words, and sent the lieutenants away. "Dick, Lewis, please go wait outside my office"

Dick? Didn't he say his name was Richard? Jo was confused, and her face must have shown it, because Lewis answered "His birth name is Richard but everyone calls him Dick, he sometimes introduces himself as Dick but i guess he wasn't taking any chances today" The older, black haired man laughed slightly at his own words.

That made sense to Joanne, he just wants to be polite, right? Make a good impression on the colonel's kids. Jo mentally scolded herself for thinking about how Richard, or Dick introduced himself.

While Jo was deep in thought about Dick's introduction, the two lieutenants left the office to wait outside by the door, leaving the three Sinks alone.

The father, after some silence, said "So, why are you two here? I'm not complaining... but it's been a good while since i've seen you both and all of a sudden i get a telegram that you're on your way to Georgia"

His words were true to their core, he missed Joanne and James so much, but he couldn't possibly find a positive reason for them to visit him, as they both had somewhat busy lives and Jo had lived overseas for the past five years. Not to mention James who had worked up the ladder in a car factory back home and had to travel quite a bit to keep up international relations, mainly in Britain since the German invasion.

Both sighed, looking at each other, trying to figure out who had to break the news to their father. Jo took the initiative, knowing her brother probably wouldn't. And he wasn't good with words so it would only be logical for Joanne to do it.

"Oma is dead. I found her in her bed, it was a natural death, old age they said" She confessed while looking anywhere except her fathers face, not knowing if he would react well. Oma was their mothers mother, but she was also of some importance to Robert Sink as she helped raising his daughter.

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