explainings and introductions

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I edited the thing/ chapter or whtvr you wanna call it, which was mainly just about how this book is gonna be and bla bla bla. BUT, i also added a bit about some sensitive or triggering topics that might appear in this book and how i will add warnings before each chapter!

Camp Toccoa, Georgia
September 1942

It was a nice September morning at Toccoa, well, that was what Dick thought. Nix, his best friend and polar opposite didn't quite share this opinion with the ginger haired man.

'Dick, we gotta go to Sink's office later, his little driver or whatever Lorraine is just asked us to come to his office at 1300 hours' The dark haired man grumbled.

'Happen to know why?' Dick asked, wondering if he or any of the men in his platoon had done something, or if it was just an unexpected meeting with their colonel.

'You're asking me? Hell, i have no fucking clue, but if any of the men did anything unacceptable he would want to see us immediately and not wait for a few hours' Nix explained to his friend, looking deeply unhappy and sour about the fact that his weekend pass got revoked again.

It wasn't like Nixon or Winters did much with their weekend passes, but not having to do work or exercises in the weekends was a very welcomed but also a very rare sight.

But, truth be told, they were both curious as to why they would be called to their colonel's office at a later time, as he usually requested the men to come come to his office right that instant.

'I guess we'll just have to wait and see' Dick said, speaking up after a bit of silence. They both knew that that guessing wouldn't be of any use, they wouldn't know or be told anything until Sink wanted them to know.

Nixon just muttered something that sounded like something along the lines of 'Yeah, well see ya later, i'm gonna go back to bed' before walking off, most probably back to their barrack.

The pair knocked on their colonel's office door at exactly 1259 hours. After hearing the 'Come in!' the man inside said, Dick opened the door to let him and his friend in.

'Sir' Both said, while also saluting their colonel.

'At ease' Sink said, making the men in-front of him and himself sit down around his hard wooden desk. He was smiling at Dick and Lew, which was a quiet reassurance for the two that neither they, or their men had done anything wrong.

This made them, but mainly Dick, feel alot less nervous about this whole meeting, of sorts.

'I have called you both here to ask you of a favour' The man said, the smile on his face disappearing, in turn making place for a frown.

See, he wasn't quite sure how to explain the situation, as he wasn't given a lot of information himself, which made the father quite nervous and also made him feel very unsettled.

'Anything, sir' Dick said, sensing a mix of confusion and hesitance on his superior's face.

'I'm not quite sure if you know, but i have two children who are quite dear to me despite the long distance and the very little contact i've had with them these last few years' He began.

His children, even though they weren't quite children anymore, were what you would call a sore topic to him, especially after he had to leave to be able to perform his duty in the military properly. He never talked about them, simply because he couldn't, he'd miss them too much.

The surprise was barely visible on Dick and Lew's faces, but it was there. Neither of them thought Sink to be a family man, with how long he was away from his home, his children and presumably wife

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