Chapter 51

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One day later

Emily POV

"You ready to go home?" Niall asked me as he came behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist while we are looking at our daughter

Amy is amazing. She is healthy and the doctor said we can go home today. I'm so glad because I can't wait to go home and sleep on my own bed. I really didn't like sleep on the hospital bed. I feel like I was getting cramps while I was sleeping on that bed. I'm glad we are getting home and getting some good sleep.

"Yes. I can't wait to sleep on our own bed" I said as I leaned to him and he kissed my head

"Me too. I can't wait to cuddle with you" he said and I smiled

"Me too" I told him

The doctor came and gave us the discharge papers and we finally could go home. Niall put Amy in her car seat. This is his first time so I stood and watched what he is doing. He is doing so good even though this is his first time.

"This is my first time putting you in the car seat. I'm just doing what my hand is telling me do" Niall told Amy as he was putting her in the car seat

"You are doing good so far" I told him and he looked at me

"Yeah I am?" he asked and I nodded

"Just don't forget to buckle her up" I told her

"Yeah thank you captain obvious" he said and I giggled

"You're welcome" I said and he chuckled

We got our stuff and we headed to the car to go back home.


"I still can't believe I have a baby with you" I told Niall as we watched Amy sleeping on her crib that's in her room

We did her room a month ago when we came back to London and her room is beautiful. It's exactly like I pictured it. Her room is full with clothes and she has toys everywhere that Niall and I are brought and some of our friends brought her. Also, she has a crib in this room and we have an extra bed for one of us to sleep in if she gets cranky. We also have a rocking chair where one of us can rock her to sleep or just talking to her.

Niall and I are sitting on the rocking chair and I'm sitting on his lap. We are just sitting just watching our baby girl falling asleep.

"Is that a good thing or a bad thing?" Niall asked me as he raised his eyebrows at me

"It's a good thing you dummy" I told him as I slapped his chest

"Hey. You don't slap me. I was just wondering if it's a good thing having a baby with me" he said

"It is because before I met you I was a fan and now we are dating and now we have a baby. It's crazy to think that" I told him

"Yeah it is. I'm glad I'm having a baby with you" he said and I looked at him

"Really?" I asked him

"Yep. She is going to grown a beautiful lady just like her mother" he said with a smile on his face and I couldn't help but blush

Niall laughed as I hid my face on his chest.

"What? It's true. You're beautiful and I just want her to be like you when she grows up" he said

"Stop it" I told him as he slapped his chest again

"Okay. Stop abusing me missy" he said as he held my hands together

"What if I don't want to stop abusing you?" I asked him

"What? So, you like hitting me now?" he asked me

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