** Whispers of Destiny**

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As the morning sun kissed Nandini awake, she stepped into a world of possibilities. Following her morning routine, she changed into sportswear and spent hours doing yoga in the garden. Afterward, she went to the kitchen, where she prepared a delicious family breakfast.

Mohini: How many days are you going on this journey?

Nandini: For 10 days, Mom.

Mohini: You can't be away for so long.

Raghav: Ma, let her enjoy this journey; it will breathe life into her spirit.

Mohini: But a lady traveling alone for so long... (Raghav interrupted Nandini's thoughts.)

Raghav: Ma, why bring up this debate again? Every time she goes on a trip, you start this discussion. You don't question me when I travel.

Mohini: But... (cut off by Raghav)

Raghav: Mom, this discussion is over. As her husband, I permit her to go. (Raghav left, and Nandini apologized to her mother. She went to her room.)

Raghav: Listen, Nandini, an important conversation awaits us.

Nandini: I'm all ears.

Raghav: Piyush mentioned a gynecologist. After your return, we'll seek advice on our delayed journey to parenthood. (Nandini agreed, thinking about the gynecologist.) I'll meet you in the evening, and then, we can have a movie date.

Nandini: No cinema; Mother will be angry. A moonlit stroll is better.

Raghav: That's fine. (He kissed her and disappeared into the day.)

In her workspace, Nandini, surrounded by numbers, received a phone call from Rishabh.

Rishabh: Hi, Di, how's everything?

Nandini: Timely intervention, Rishabh. There's a revelation.

Rishabh: You've piqued my curiosity.

Nandini: I'm taking contraceptives, and Raghav told we should meet the gynecologist after the trip.

Rishabh: Don't worry, Nandini. We'll find solutions.

Nandini: Why did you cancel the trip?

Rishabh: My manager messed up, and we have a concert. I'll talk to him about canceling at the last moment but couldn't happen.

Nandini: Okay. We'll meet after the trip.

Rishabh: Sure. I'll give my manager a piece of my mind. Farewell, dear sister.

Nandini: Goodbye, and take care. (The call ended, and Nandini returned to her work.)

Nandini prepared lunch for herself and her mother. after having lunch, she discussed publication matters with her secretary.

Ancy: ABC.. The publication confirms the launch next month for your novel. 

Nandini: that great.

Ancy: there is one more thing , there is Novel Escapes, owned by self-made mogul Manik Malhotra, wants to meet you.

Nandini: We can talk about this with Novel Escapes publication after I come back, then decide whether I should give him a chance or not.

Ancy: ok maam.

(The meeting got over, and Nandini went to the kitchen to make herself coffee. She then went to the balcony and relaxed, watching the sunset while having coffee.)


After half an hour, Raghav arrived at the house and invited Nandini to join him for a gym session, but Nandini declined, mentioning that she had already planned a dance workout. Undeterred, Raghav went to his room, changed into sportswear, and headed to the gym. Meanwhile, Nandini pursued her dance workout. After their respective workouts, they freshened up. Nandini then instructed the cook to prepare dinner, while on the other side, Raghav was trying to appease his mother. Once dinner was ready, Nandini called them both to join her for the meal."

 Later Raghav and Nandini went for a romantic walk

Raghav: This evening stroll is really nice, don't you think?

Nandini: Yeah, the weather is perfect. I needed a break from the usual routine.

Raghav: Same here. It's good to just wander and chat. Anything interesting on your mind?

Nandini: Not really, just enjoying the fresh air and the change of scenery. What about you?

Raghav: Honestly, same. It's nice to have a break and clear my head.

Nandini : True.

Raghav: Can you do me a favor, Nandini?

Nandini: Tell me.

Raghav: My cousin wants business hampers. Can you make them for her next month?

Nandini: Sure. Let me know the dates to coordinate with my novel launch.

Raghav: I'll confirm the dates and get back to you.

Nandini: How was your day?

Raghav: Chaotic, dealing with dilemmas.

Nandini: Let me know, and we'll navigate through it together.

Raghav: Your role is separate, Nandini. My professional challenges are mine to explore.

Nandini: But... (interrupted by Raghav)

Raghav: Stop, Nandini. We agreed. My business, my responsibility. Pursue your dreams, for the house's male mantle rests on my shoulders. Understood?

Nandini: Yes, and sorry for my mistakes. (Accepting her fate, Nandini walked into the night, stars weaving tales of uncertainty and revelations.)

This is for today. It's about Nandini upcoming meeting with Manik and choosing between her husband and manik. And please let me know how the chapter was and do tell me the mistakes which I have made. Also, share my story as much as u can. It is my second book, and I will be thankful to all you guys, if u guys like it.

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