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"finally, I looked at him just to find him lost somewhere"

"What are you thinking "? I finally asked out of curiosity

"Thinking..that weather I should ask you or not ! "

"go for it "

"Fine,who was that person about whom you wrote about radhika,..Was he ri..!!

"Please, don't take that name advik! Don't

"I am sorry, I didn't mean to..

"I wrote that randomly, thinking about the person who doesn't even exist."

I replied and with that radhika looked out of window

"You like writing"? He asked

"Yes I do,I mean I know that I am not that good with my words but still I do like writing my feelings out" she told him as he nodded at her answer

"We are here"he told as they reached

He was about to open gate but stopped when he heard her voice,

"What happened radhika "?

"You wait here,I will myself go inside"

"Not happing"he replied

"Advik, see if we will go together then you are aware of your popularity,and what if someone click us together! everyone will think that there's something going on..and I really don't want that to happen.

Smiling at her words,he opend his side and walked to her side ,

"Come" he said while opening it

"I just told you something,"
She replied

"I really don't think about what other will,and that's what I am expecting from you also"

"Can't you understand.."

"No I can't, taking About something going on between us ,then we both are aware that what is going on"he said

"What do you mean"? She asked

"You don't lie,do you"? He asked as he cleared distance between them

"Yes I don't "! She told him while landing back

"It was me about whom you wrote right "?

"We are getting late , let's go inside "! She told and started moving away but he was fast enough to match her steps,

"If I will write something about you then let me tell you  that it will start with hate and it will end with hate,Mr advik singhania "

He laughed at her words,

"Same feelings " he replied and moved forward

"Good morning Mr singhania, nurse  greeted him as she saw him entering inside hospital,

He nodded at her as his eyes were still fixed on radhika.

"We'll Mr singhania if you are here to meet Dr Abhay Gupta then let me tell you that he is out of town,and I guess he asked you to meet him next week right?

Rashika looked at advik with confused expressions

"No worries I know that he is out of town "

"Then what are you doing here "?

" for Dressing,look at her ..he pointed at Radhika,

"Ohk, please fill this formality papers and then come at third floor,I will meet you there "she told and left

"I could have done it my self there was no need of this "radhika said as she started filling form

"Damn you have injured your hand also give that to me I will fill it ".
He told as he took form from her Hand and started filling himself.

"This happned because of those two guys ",she told angrly

"What's your age "?he asked

"24" she replied as she looked at the form

Advik smiled as he filled that up,

"What was there to smile "? She asked him

"You" he said softly giving her a small look,


"Done "!. He said ignoring what she asked,

"You know what I told you before itself that there's no need of all this ".
Radhika said as she followed him

"You know what Ms"..he said as he looked back at her

"I can't argue with you anymore"

"That's nice " she said while faking her smile

"Mr singhania can you please come fast with me otherwise you will have to wait "

He nodded,and both of them followed her.

"Advik was going to enter inside but radhika pulled him back

"You will not come with him "
She told sternly and moved forward

"Fine , your wish go ahead now "he said and moved away

"Hello dhruv "
"Advik where are you " dhruv asked
"I am here in the hospital,is there any problem '?
"Advik we really don't have any solid proof against him and that's what helping him to escape now ".
"Dhruv, I'm telling you ..do whatever you want to do but please not let that man go".

"I am trying to give my best advik ,".

"This all is happening because of me , she is going through too much just because of me dhruv "

"Stop blaming yourself,
"You know what, I don't think that I will ever come back in India.. after all this "
"You are going no where,"
"I will "
"Just Stop this conversation for now advik and do let me focus on this case "
Dhruv said he ended.

Radhika was standing just behind him ,
Advik looked back.

"When did you came back "? He asked her

"First answer me ,..you were serious when you told me that you are leaving India "?

"Wait a minute,you were listening to me while standing care"

"I did but that was not my intention,

"I can see that radhika".

"First answer my question advik

"Yes, I am leaving India ! Just 10 days more and after that you will get free from me "

"Are you serious, I thought you were joking when you told me that ".

"I was and I am ,but guess what I just have you a chance to celebrate"

"What's there to celebrate"???

"Radhika..I am finally leaving and still you are asking that what's there to celebrate"..I am amazed

"You can never understand me "
As she said and left

"Radhika wait, he shouted following her

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