Keith's new home

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Keith looked around frantically still terrified he'd find HIM lurking around. He knew it was illogical but he couldn't help it. 

Calming his nerves with a deep breathe, he got up from his makeshift bed from some of the foliage he'd found nearby. He'd decided to find shelter in a cave and set up camp there with some of the items he managed to salvage from the pod. 

His tummy growled reminding him of his unsatisfied hunger and the problem of food. Knowing he was a good fighter and hunter-from his days in the desert- he picked up his knife and went for a hunt.

~time skip~

Keith heaved a strange alien animal carcass up to his cave and got a fire started. As he cooked the whatever-it-was, he thought about how he'd do this. He thought he'd never have to live that way again.He'd thought they were his fami- he cut that line of thought off. There was no point thinking about that.

But what else could he think about? There was no way he could turn the pod into a ship. He lacked Pidge and Hunk's engineering skill and smarts. All he was good for was fighting.

And now he couldn't even do that.

Finishing most of the meat, he got as comfortable as he could and fell once more into a restless slumber.

HII sorry this chapters a bit late. I was busy christmas decorating even though its not even december yet. Anyways have fun reading this!!

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