Voltron's guilt

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Shiro woke crying. Again. After Keith had left b̶e̶e̶n̶ t̶h̶r̶o̶w̶n̶ o̶u̶t̶   a heavy weight had fallen on his chest and no matter what the day held or how great he felt, it would always be ruined by that nagging feeling of guilt that had him wanting to crawl out of his own skin from disgust. Disgust at himself.

Hunk was baking cookies as normal. He had a playlist on, which was also normal. What wasn't normal was the shaking hands he had while handling his tray. Doubt had plagued him since Keith had been unfairly kicked out. He'd known it was unfair, so why hadn't he said anything? Why hadn't he spoken up? Something grew inside him and suddenly he couldn't breathe and the cookies had fallen out of his hands. The feeling passed after a beat but Hunk knew it'd be back.

Pidge had thrown herself into her work so sleep was a rare occurance for her. She refused to give herself any sort of break whatsoever, the others had had to drag her out to eat something, ANYTHING.But after that it was back to work for her. A break meant thinking about other things, and she needed to think about anything but Keith. Which meant more and more work.

Lance had grown quieter. He no longer flirted carelessly with allura, but stared at her from afar with something close to hatred bubbling in his heart and his soul. After all, they always said eyes are the windows to the soul.

Coran couldn't blame his princess, but his heart now felt a tad more broken. A little more mournful. But he needed to be there for the princess. She needed him.

As you can tell I'm still here. Which is greatt!! SO enjoy this new chapter my lovelies!!!!

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