Chapter 94-98

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With that neigh, Gu Suier saw a horseman walking out of the nearby woods with a snow-white horse.

"This is?" Gu Suier guessed somewhat, but she couldn't believe it.

"Teach you to ride a horse." Xiao Heng led Gu Suier over and came to the white horse.

He had promised to teach her to ride a horse before, but after she was born, there were always things like this and that thing was delayed. Now he finally has his own mansion, he specially opened up a horse-riding field for her and found it for her. A great horse.

This horse is of medium size and gentle temperament, so it should be suitable for her to ride.

"Teach me to ride a horse?" Gu Suier remembered how Xiao Jin used to ride a horse, but can she really ride it? Can you ride it?

Xiao Heng didn't speak much, and took the horse rope from the horseman, gently patted the horse's back, and said to Gu Suier: "When you are a novice horse, remember to stand in front of the horse's left shoulder and face diagonally behind. The left hand is holding the rein and horsehair. Grab them together. Remember to hold on."

After speaking, he demonstrated to her: "Then turn on the horse. When you mount, you must remember to grab the stirrup, and at the same time lift your left foot to hold the stirrup, and turn to the horse. You are not tall enough, so remember to use your right foot more Next, get up on horseback with the force of impact."

After Xiao Heng's explanation, he got on and off the horse, and then handed the reins of the horse to Gu Suier; "You try?"

Gu Suier was still in the carriage, thinking about how to invite all the ladies he met today to come to the mansion, and then stepped into this racecourse and listened to Xiao Heng to teach herself horse riding. She was actually a bit embarrassed.

Now when she heard that Xiao Heng was about to let herself ride a horse, she tried hard to recall Xiao Heng's actions just now, took the rein, tried to grasp the horse's rein and horsehair, and tremblingly raised her leg to mount the horse.

Seeing her fragile appearance, Xiao Heng twisted his eyebrows slightly: "This won't work. You are not strong enough, and you are not tall. Remember to do a few more strokes, and remember the force of the upward impact."

Power of impact? Gu Suier heard her legs become soft, how can she rush...

He asked in a low voice, "Your Highness, can I take it slowly?"

Xiao Heng lowered his head to look at her, the gorgeous military uniform wrapped around the slender waist and the plump body, and the waist accessories were complicated, so it was really not convenient to lift the legs like this.

He whispered: "Should go back and change clothes."

As he spoke, he raised his hand, supporting both hands.

Gu Suier only felt that she was flying up suddenly, flying dizzy.

When everything settled down, she was already sitting on horseback, behind her was a man who was as hard as a wall.

The man's powerful arms hugged her waist tightly, and the robe with exquisite ornate embroidery hugged her waist tightly.

She subconsciously grabbed his hand.

"It's okay, don't be afraid." The man behind her was close to her, and the heat was in her ears, his voice calm: "Sit up, don't sit too heavy, straighten your waist, look forward, and relax."

Gu Suier took a deep breath and worked hard to follow Xiao Heng's instructions.

"Here, straight up."

Xiao Heng put his hand on her waist, gently covered it, and whispered.

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