Chapter 166-170

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After eating the feast on the first day of the Lunar New Year, Xiao Heng followed the rules and led the royal heirs and hundreds of civil and military officials to the ancestral temple to make sacrifices, and Gu Suier also took the royal family to make sacrifices as the queen. Among them, the etiquette is cumbersome and the process is repeated, which is unheard of by Gu Suier, but fortunately, Gu Suier had learned it in advance, but he has made these etiquette rules in a straightforward manner, which is remarkable.

Even when the princess thought of Gu Suier today, she couldn't help but sigh to the mother next to her: "When I first saw the queen, I still helped Princess Zhaoyang take care of her dowry. At that time, although she looked good, how much It's a little bit angry, and it's only a few years now, and it really has some maternal demeanor."

The mother looked outside the carriage, and quietly said, "Yes, people, it's fateful. I looked at her little prince and little princess, both of whom are beloved, and I heard that the little prince is talented and intelligent and ordinary people can't match it. The emperor has no other concubines for a while, after this, tsk tsk..."

The princess sighed: "But she is afraid that this good day will not last long. People will always enter the harem."

It was from the ordinary Houmen Gongfu. Whose family has no concubine room, no concubine, and no idea to worry about things, how could it be her fate!

It's not so comfortable, wait, there will be moths sooner or later.

After the sacrificial ceremony, Gu Suier took the three princesses and other female relatives in the royal family to visit the empress dowager and greet the empress dowager.

The empress dowager glanced at Gu Suier faintly: "I can't stand your bow, no need, go back."

Underneath the princess and the second princess looked at each other, and did not speak, the third princess lowered their heads.

Gu Suier just pretended not to hear her, and continued to bow her head to pay the New Year's greetings.

Ordinarily, after the New Year's greetings, the Queen Mother should give some auspicious gadgets to the younger generation, which is considered a good luck. Who knows that the Queen Mother was silent, she only drank a cup of tea there.

This is very rude, and the few princesses and other royal family members are a bit embarrassed.

What, what is this?

Gu Suier was calm.

She also wanted to understand. Why should she be the queen dowager above as a person? Just treat it as an ancestor's tablet, and go to worship the ancestor's tablet. She kowtows and salutes her, but she didn't see the tablet giving a smile, so why count on it. What did the queen dowager give? Who is rare?

Besides, she was holding a face now to see who was missing.

Anyway, as a queen, as a daughter-in-law, she has done everything that should be done. As for the empress dowager, she is even holding the air at this time, so let the royal family members present to see who is making trouble.

After Gu Suier took the big guy out of the Queen Mother's bedroom, everyone was relieved.

Just now at the Empress Dowager's place, I only felt the breath was dull and uncomfortable, and I didn't dare to let it out. After coming out, it was much better.

Gu Suier smiled and said, "Everyone, did you sit in my Courtyard Palace in the past? At the end of the year, when we didn't get together, now it's just time for people to talk."

Everyone saw that the queen presided over the memorial ceremony, she was obviously dignified and beautiful, and quite prestigious, but now she talked to everyone with a smile, but she was gentle and affectionate, and her affection could not help being doubled.

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