I. Prologue

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You could remember nothing.

Well, except for basic human knowledge, of course. Who'd forget that? Not you.

Were you even considered human now?

Your family, though? Mere blurs. The faces and names had faded from your mind.

The only remaining memories were the sounds of their voices and the warm feelings of their love. The faces may not have been the sharpest in your mind, but you could recognize their smiles in a heartbeat.

Did you even own a beating heart in this form?

Yes, no, maybe. You didn't know, and you don't want to know.

He does, though.


"(Name)! Ándale! It's seven, let's go!"

"Coming, mami! Give me a second!"

The thirteen-year-old scanned their room once more before turning off the lights and rushing downstairs. Skipping a few steps, they landed at the bottom and raced into their garage. Their mom and sister sat in the car waiting, the latter swinging her feet excitedly and searching for something to watch during the drive.

"What took you so long?" Their mom inquired, looking at them through the rear view mirror. "You don't need to pamper yourself, you're just touring the buildings and testing some games.." She laughed a bit and shook her head.

"I didn't pamper myself! I was just.. making sure I look decent. Like a normal person should." (Name) protested, slipping into their seat and buckling in.

"Whatever you say."

"Yeah, yeah.. What're we doing again? You said something about games," (Name) implored. They heard a small sigh from their mother as the car pulled out of the garage.  A video's sound began from their sister's phone, but the memory was gradually worsening. (Name) couldn't make out the sounds as clearly as they could eight years ago, when it was fresh in their mind.

" You don't remember? My workplace wants employee's kids to come in and test games. See if they've reached a target audience, yeah?" Their mom explained. (Name) sat in confusion for a few seconds, pondering what had been discussed just a few seconds before.

"Oh. Ohh, yeah, now I remember.." A small chuckle escaped.

"Aye, (Name)..."


About an hour and a half later, the family reached the company's facility. Towering buildings stood before them, seeming quite intimidating from outside. The letters C & A were plastered above the main doors quite largely, and seemed a bit intimidating, too.

"What games did you say we were testing, mama?" (Name)'s younger sister asked, bouncing with excitement as they walked in.

"You get to test one called Amanda the Adventurer, I think," Their mother replied. "And (Name) gets to try one called The Amazing Digital Circus."

"Ohh.. okay! They sound super cool!" The sister beamed. She grasped (Name)'s hand in her own and dragged them to the entrance, skipping the whole way. She didn't let go until they had gotten past the large glass doors, running off to check out the facility.

Inside, the family was met with an array of posters displaying dozens of games the company produced. Among these, (Name) searched for the one they were trying.. what was it again? Something about a circus..

The Amazing Digital Circus. There it was. It had only one poster up in comparison to the other games, but it was a colorful world on display. As pixelated as it may have looked, and a bit childish in some ways, that style and the whole circus theme piqued (Name)'s interest. What looked like a set of chattering teeth, like the wind-up toys you'd get from dentists, had a pair of eyeballs between it. The dentures had a suit and tophat as well, with a cane in its gloved hand and an accompanying bubble with a grin. The pair looked quite.. odd, but, games always have their weird parts. One of the teeth's eyes was green and the other blue, which made (Name) wonder why they designed him that way. More appeal, memorable design? They'll find out later.

"(Name), come over here. This is where they have the older kids testing. Your sister will be across the building, okay? I have to go up to my office now. I love you, don't forget that! I'll see you later!" (Name)'s mom led the goggling teen to a separate hall with a few others, giving them a tight hug and a kiss on the head. A pang of sadness hit (Name) deeply from the sight in their memory. How much they missed those hugs and kisses from their mom.

"Love you," (Name) quickly spewed out before their mother ran off. They glanced around at all the other teens, though there weren't very many. A boy who looked at least a year older and much taller stood near (Name), looking down at them from the corners of his eyes. His expression was unreadable, perhaps some sort of interest, but he seemed like he was taking in every detail. A small but playful smile graced his face with a little nod to (Name), and the action was returned. Huh, this is a nice day so far.. The thoughts echoed clearly in their mind through the distorted recollection of events.

It could've been such a nice day. It could've been. Maybe if I had begged to go to school, I would be at home now instead of the circus. Maybe if the car had suddenly broken down, or if we had taken the wrong road, or anything at all, I could be just coming home from school and enjoying a nice dinner with my family. Maybe I'd know my family more. Do I even remember my friends? Why do I vividly remember the boy from that day? Why can't I remember my friends as much? My friends..

Painful fragments of memories slip in and out of their mind, spiraling and swirling into agonizing flashes of nightmares. Was there an escape to this? They searched long ago, but 'gave up' soon enough. Would they lose their mind here? Lose their sanity? Would they ever get to go home? Would they ever eat, drink, or sleep like a human again? Would they once again feel a warm summer's breeze or a cold winter's chill? Would they ever get the chance to walk through tall grasses in spring and fallen leaves in autumn? Would the people around them one day be memories of the past instead of an everyday appearance?

There's no answers. Not yet, at least.

For now, making the most of this forsaken circus life would be their goal.

Maybe one day they'd go home.

𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ✮⋆˙
i fell asleep sm writing this.. rewrite this once we get more lore n stuff but umm.. yeah. this is myfirst time actually writing & publishing a story LOLL lmk what u think 😝 ill write more chapters in a bit just wanted to start with some backstory ykk

1095 words

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