1: Am I alive??

856 30 14

Year 2024
In a hospital..
Room no 401

"The person you are trying to call is not available."

"Samrat, Pick up the phone.
How could you do this to me??"

And opened her whatsApp where she saw the messages she sent for which there was no reply.

'Why aren't you answering my calls.'

'Pick up my call'

'Aren't you going to pay my hospital bills? '

'Hey Samrat, just give me back my money.
I need to pay hospital bills... '
And many more..

With a sigh, she wondered, 'I have only few months to live. Is that too much for him to stay by my side? I am his wife. At least he could do this much for me'
With this she left the room.

Outside the room,
Nurse 1: How's the patient in room no 401?

Nurse 2: Not great. The doctor said she has only few months to live. I haven't seen her husband visit her since she was admitted here...And even her hospital bills haven't been paid. Must be tough for him.

Nurse 1: She's so young. I feel so bad for her. Let's do our best to take good care of her.

She enters her room and says, 'Ms. Siya, it's time for your medicines'
But finds the bed empty. And wonders, 'Where did she go? '

Meanwhile outside the hospital

The same girl waited and hired a taxi and asked the taxi driver to drop her at her apartment.

As she looked outside the window, she experienced the cool wind on her face..and wondered..

'Summers turned into winters while I layed in my bed succumbed to cancer.'

Looking at her weak appearance and sad face , the taxi driver asked her, "Miss, you seem to be very ill. "

"Yes",she replied

" Don't worry , I hope you will get better in no time"

Hearing this she got emotional and thought, " He speaks like my dad. I miss you Dad.." Soon her eyes filled with tears..

'Siya, come have your food.' A man called his 10 year old daughter for lunch.

'Yes Dad, but I will eat only if you feed me with your hands.'.

'Okay , my dear princess . I will feed you with my own hands.

'A lot'

"Ma'am , where are you lost . Please don't cry . Soon you will get better."

Hearing this she came out of her childhood memories .

"Cheer up ma'am. There goes a saying,
' Today is a gift . It is the future they wish for before they died.."

" I don't think I want to live tomorrow
even if it's my last day in Earth today ..
It's not anything good will happen tomorrow "

" What do you mean?? You can always make good things happen.
Ohh , by the way we reached your destination"

She gave him a 500 Rs note for the fare ..as her taxi fare was 80Rs
She told him she doesn't have any change.

He gave her a chocolate and replied,
" Think of me as a father and keep it with you.

Everything will be fine beti. You will get your happy ending.. You will meet a good man who will be head over heels for you and love you till now extent .
You will live a good life and achieve your dreams."

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