28. Meeting his parents and breaking off the engagement

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Meera was working in the office when she received a call . She heard her six year old daughter crying, " Mom , it's Sunday today. Where are you? I am hungry."

" Aarya , where is your dad ? "

"Dad is busy . When are you coming home? I am hungry." She cried

" What do you mean by he is busy ? Isn't he home? Wait . I will come . Don't cry , my baby ." She left the office in a hurry and hired a taxi . But there was a lot of traffic on the way. She again called her daughter who was crying ," Mom , please come fast." She saw Siddharth who was on the bike beside the taxi and told her daughter , " Don't cry . Mom will come in a few minutes."

She rolled down the window and called Siddharth who was on a bike, " Siddharth Sir , please help me. Can you drop her to my apartment? My daughter is alone at home. And traffic... " Siddharth nodded and dropped her . " Thank you so much, Sir " and hurriedly entered her apartment and saw her husband and Aarya who was eating wafers.

" How could you feed her wafers ? Stop eating it , Arya. I will cook you something." Meera said.

" So dramatic." Her husband rolled his eyes.

" Where did you go leaving Arya alone ?" She asked

" I had some work to do. Why are you overreacting so much? " He said angrily and switched on the TV and went to the sofa. Meera hugged her daughter and went to the kitchen. She held her abdomen feeling pain.

Siya called Samrat to take her for shopping.
In her previous life , before meeting his parents, Samrat gave her his card and said , " Don't wear those cheap clothes you bought online . My mom has high standards. We can't get married if she doesn't like you. So buy yourself nice clothes before meeting them "
Siya didn't want to spend his money when he was struggling. So she didn't use his money.
But now she knows that he may spend money on other women if not her . So she decided to take full advantage of it. She went to the purse section and chose a purse . It was the same purse which Samrat bought for Alia in her previous life and she didn't buy it with Ria when she went shopping with her before the reunion. " It's very expensive." Samrat noticed the price.

The shop assistant came there, " Are you newly wed?" Siya nodded with a smile

" Then it's the perfect wedding gift for you." The assistant smiled.

" I haven't met his mother but I heard that she has very high standards ."

" Then it's perfect for you."

" It's not only that we both work at RK company. So all my colleagues are very excited to know what he is going to give me. So even I feel pressured. " Siya said deliberately because she knew that his pride matters the most for him and that worked because Samrat agreed , "Yes , I am one of the best employees at RK company. So we will take it and show us some more of similar varieties." Siya took advantage and bought many expensive dresses and other gifts.

" I love this purse . Now I feel that I can finally meet your family standards." Siya said showing off the expensive things she bought. Samrat was shocked since he couldn't believe that he spent a lot of money on Siya but he couldn't show it .

" Yes it's pretty. In fact everything you bought is pretty. I think every woman should meet the right man like me." He said proudly.

" Yes , I also think the same ."

" Siya , we have to meet at a restaurant for the family dinner. So how should we pay ?" He wanted her to pay for it . Siya received a call from Aditya. Samrat noticed his name on her mobile and said , " He's the same friend that works as a chef in a restaurant?" He snatched her phone and picked up the call , " Hello "

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