chapter 20

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January 14th, 2022
📍Dortmund, Germany 🇩🇪

Georgina woke up in Jude's bed again, only she wasn't surrounded by the warmth of his arm round her waist. She turned around, expecting to see him spread out, then she remembered it was game day and he'd probably be getting ready or already left. She grabbed her phone to check the time - it was only 7:30, he shouldn't have left yet.

Being pulled from her thoughts, Jude emerged from the en-suite bathroom with a towel wrapped round his low waist.

"Ah, you're awake," he greeted her, "g'morning," he leant down, pressing a kiss to her forehead.

"Morning," Georgina said, sitting up in bed, watching Jude scrabble around the room grabbing all his things.

"Excited?" she questioned.

"Mmmaybe," he answered, "not too sure."

"You'll be fine," she reassured, "you played well last game, you'll be fine today."

"I have to play more than fine today if your there," he said, sending her a wink.

"See, exactly, you'll be fine," she laughed at his response and climbed out of the bed herself to help him look for whatever he had clearly lost, "what are you looking for?"

"I can't find my stupid socks," he groaned.

"You mean the socks you already have packed in your bag?" she pulled them out of the duffle bag he packed last night.

"Yes, I mean the socks I already had packed," he sighed, breaking out into a chuckle, "thank you."

Georgina helped him get the rest of his stuff together and then got herself changed.

"Breakfast?" Jude asked when he re-entered the room.

"Yesss," the girl exclaimed.


After they had eaten, Jude and Mark left to the game - the players had to get there early, ready for team talks and all that. This left Georgina, Denise and Jobe at the house, lounging around, waiting to leave.

Georgina thought it would be awkward being around Jude's family, especially without him there, but it was surprisingly ok. It mostly consisted of Denise asking about Georgina's career and how she started her job. She seemed really interested in the younger girls life, and Georgina felt really happy and welcomed by this family and all they were doing.

Denise just loved having another girl around the house, raising two boys and having to take them to football each week was not easy, too much masculinity for one woman.

Jobe eventually disappeared upstairs to get changed, Georgina and Denise were already changed so they stayed chatting in the kitchen.

"Is he always this nervous before games?" Georgina asked, referring to Jude.

"Sometimes, depends on the game," Denise replied, "I think he's probably mostly nervous that you'll be watching."

Georgina shook her head and laughed, "acting like I haven't watched his games before."

"Never been at the game before though, he just wants to impress you," Denise laughed at her son, earning a joking eye roll from Georgina, "he likes you a lot, y'know."

"Mhm..." Georgina blushed slightly, looking down and fiddling with her rings.

Denise just smiled contently, then the younger brother walked back into the room ending their conversation.

"C'mon let's go," he announced.

"Right, OK," Denise raised her eyebrows and tilted her head to Georgina.

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