chapter 26

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January 27th, 2022
📍Barcelona, Spain 🇪🇸

After nearly two weeks apart, it was finally getting closer to the day Georgina would see Jude again. She had just landed in Spain for the continuation of the 'Stranger Things' press tour, with her rest of her cast mates.

Her and Sadie were tiredly walking back to through the endless hotel corridors, after a long day of traveling, trying to find their separate rooms.

"What time is the thingy tomorrow?" Georgina asked, referring to the conference.

"1? I think?" Sadie replied, "but get to my room at 10 please, I don't wanna leave by myself."

Georgina nodded, "yeah, okay, 10 it is."

"What time does Jude get out here tomorrow?" Sadie asked, knowing how secretly excited her friend was.

"Umm, some time in the afternoon I'm pretty sure- after we get back in the evening at least."

"Ahh, okay," Sadie grinned sadistically, "try not to be up all night thinking about him, I doubt you'll sleep tomorrow night."

"I'm not sure what you're implying by that Sads," Georgina shook her head, looking down, a subtle smirk on her lips.

"No, no, of course not-"

"Wait, are those our rooms?" Georgina interrupted Sadie's taunts and pulling the keycard out from her pocket.

"Oh yeah," she said, looking up at the room numbers, "can you call me in a bit? I need to show you my outfit for tomorrow?"

"Yeh, but make it quick, I'm knackered," Georgina groaned.

"Knackered," Sadie mocked in the faux British accent.

"Oh, fuck off," the true Brit rolled her eyes with a snicker, "gimme thirty minutes, k?"

"Okay, thirty minutes. Pronto." Sadie added before walking into her room.

Georgina followed, swiping her own keycard onto the mechanism attached to the door, only to discover it was already unlocked.

"What.." she muttered under her breath before slowly pushing the door open, dragging her suitcase along behind her.

One glance around the room and she spotted, none other than Jude, sprawled out over her hotel bed, one leg kicked over the other, just staring and grinning at her. His suitcase was propped up again the bathroom door, his jacket resting upon the vanity chair.

"What the fuck," Georgina sighed, her jaw slightly ajar and feet cemented in their place.

"Surprise," Jude finally spoke, giving his hands a little wave.

"What are you doing?" she let out an exasperated laugh, in slight disbelief at the situation. She slowly moved her suitcase to the side and set her purse onto the vanity.

Jude took the opportunity to grab her wrist and pull her on top of him.

"Jude! What are you doing?" Georgina laughed with an uncontrollable smile.

"Saying hello," he replied, whilst running his hand through her hair and pressing a kiss to her lips. He flipped them over, his elbows pressed into the pillow behind her head, her arms wrapped around his neck.

"You're not supposed to be here yet," she asked once she finally got a breath.

"Wow, don't sound so disappointed," Jude said now on his side, propped on his elbow next to her.

Georgina laughed, "Im not disappointed, just confused. Like, how did you know my room number?"

"I just know things like that," he shrugged.

fame ~ jude bellinghamTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang