The Sick One

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I feel even more confused than before, the rules that they keep talking about just changed like that with no warning whatsoever and Radioactive Mind says it only happens every million years or so. That's what gets me the most, how in Odin's name did he know that? He doesn't seem any older than thirty years...unless he's pulling my leg but he doesn't seem like the type of guy to fool around like that, especially at a time like this. Anyways, when that bull guy died, he dropped the other two soul thingamabobs but I haven't attached them to the paragon of magic yet, I'm gonna refill my wand since the gauntlet is done for and I don't have to refrain from using the paragon's powers. Before I could catch my bearings, we all got teleported to the tower of magic, I'm glad that that's finally over and done with, still, my injuries are starting to become crippling, it hurts to breathe and walk...

I just attached the things after Dragon had regrouped with us and you won't believe what happened next, the thing quickly shifted and folded until it was shaped like an elongated trunk with the soul thingamabobs on its back. I took the thingamabobs off but I'll be honest, I was pretty scared that something would jump out, it's probably because the rules changed without any warning so I have no idea what to expect. Screwface told me it was time to go to the forge of badassery, I asked him if it was dangerous and he said no but I still have trouble believing that...Don't know why I bothered asking since I'm like, ninety six percent sure someone's gonna lose a limb at the very least. I mounted Dragon's back after he told me that we'd be leaving the tower. I definitely won't miss this place but it'll be hard to ignore that feeling since it's like five minutes away from where I live, guess I just won't look into the mouth of the volcano for a long while...Or at least until I beat Ms.Lionfang's fighters and have my curse revoked. I'll make another journal entry after we meet and talk with the sick one...Whatever that means...

"Well, where to next?" Neb asked.

"She resides within" Radioactive Mind, Elec-Trick and Screwface said in unison whilst pointing to the Paragon of Magic which had recently been transformed into the Chest of Epicness. Arnkatla had placed the recently attained soul thingamabobs on the ground in front of herself "Am I done?" Fizzle asked, referring to her promise which she had fulfilled.

"Yeah, godspeed" Dragon responded.

Fizzle nodded before outstretching her wings, setting flight in the direction of her home. A thin layer of snow raised in her wake as she generated ample lift to change the already strong wind's direction, twilight was coming to an end which meant that the pteranodons had returned to their nests in the highlands and the yetis emerged from their mountainbound caves. The howl of wolves echoed in the distance "so, the sick one lives in there? She must be pretty darn small...Call her out" Neb said, referring to the Chest of Epicness.

"No, we're going in" Radioactive Mind said before taking hold of Nebs arm and diving into the chest's keyhole "What in Odin's name! What's he going on about!" Dragon exclaimed

"Whoa...I guess we're supposed to follow him..." Arnkatla proposed as she inched towards the now radiant purple keyhole, embers and sparks of the same colour vigorously swirled around the hole. Before Arnkatla could adequately prepare herself, she was sucked into the chest's keyhole followed closely by Dragon, Elec-Trick and Screwface. They found themselves within a humid, spacious room with a deep red velvet carpet and walls lined with off white wallpaper, from the ceiling hung bedazzling chandeliers which dimly lit the space. "Ow...Jeez" Arnkatla grumbled as she writhed on the floor, caressing the bullet wound on her left ankle, Dragon helped her rise to her feet once again "thanks" she said. On the wall farthest from them was an eleven by six foot polished birch door with a small peephole near the seven foot mark "and this is..." Dragon said in an inquisitive tone, expecting Radioactive Mind to finish his sentence.

"The front foyer of the sick one's apartment, she's been living in your paragon of magic since the day you got it all those years ago" Radioactive Mind elaborated. Dragon blinked rapidly, processing the revelation that he had been in the presence of such a prestigious homestead. Screwface knocked on the door with a single knuckle and took a step back, after seconds of silence, the Sick One swung the door ajar. She stood eight feet tall, was pale like paper and slender like a stick with stringy black hair and bloodshot red eyes "hello Screwface, who are your visitors?" the Sick One greeted, pointing at Arnkatla and the others.

"They're here for WAGED" Screwface explained as he set foot within the Sick One's apartment "um, Are you...contagious?" Neb asked meekly, inching away from the apartment's front door. Dragon's head jerked to the right to meet the Sick One's piercing gaze "no, I'll explain once inside, come" the Sick One said, hesitantly, Neb stepped into the apartment followed closely by the others. It was more spacious than the foyer nearly ten times over, pot lights lined the ceiling and on the left wall was a moderately sized crimson red door, to its right was a lime green door and to its left was a medium azure door. All three were the same size and Arnkatla was able to mentally fill in the blanks as to where the doors led. Towering polished oak bookshelves with gold garnishes lined the right side of the room, they were barren sparing only one red backed book, it seemed to be an encyclopaedia of sorts.

This is by far the craziest thing I've seen, I knew that the paragon's fighters lived inside of it but I had no clue that there were full on apartments inside the thing, it's wild. They don't need to eat or sleep or really do anything besides fight but for some reason they have apartments? I know I said that I wouldn't make another entry until After we spoke with the Sick One but I had to write something about this because it's just so unreal, I'll probably remember this day for the rest of my life! I'm pretty excited to tell the others in Dragon's village about this journey once it's all over, man I can't wait to heal myself then go back to living my life in Scotland...I'll definitely miss Neb if he doesn't decide to stay though. I picked up the only book on the shelves which looked like it was only ten pages long or so and the Sick One told me that it had everything that had happened and everything that was gonna happen but I didn't believe that for one second so I opened the thing to have a look. Oh lord, she wasn't lying, every time I got to the last page another one appeared out of nowhere and the first page disappeared but when I went back to the first page it reappeared and the last one disappeared again. I guess it really could go on until the end of time with that sort of trickery but before I could fiddle with the book some more Dragon asked the Sick One what she was sick from and she told him that she was sick of all this bullshit. Neb snickered but I couldn't help but laugh out loud, it hurt my lung a little so I guess that's karma even though I meant no harm. Dragon asked her to explain herself and she said that nothing we know needs to exist and that it's all like a humongous game, that was a little confusing to me since I can't really imagine why it would be like that.

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