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Thank Odin that Dragon decided to come with us, if he wasn't here we would've been screwed over a long time ago (pardon the pun) and even though he's on my side, I can't stop thinking that he was laughing at me back then. I healed his jaw which took up a lot of my magical juice, it's a good thing I'm allowed to use the chest of epicness like it's the paragon of magic since we're done with the hard ass gauntlet. I regret eating my Screwface even more now since that fight probably would've gone a lot smoother if I hadn't, if only I knew that I'd find ANOTHER Screwface Elec-Trick and Radioactive Mind on the way to the forge of badassery. I just hope that the badass of all badasses doesn't make us do something supid and hard but I just know that he will because so far EVERYTHING that has to do with WAGED has been insanely hard. And to think, all this BS is because Ms.Lionfang decided to be an uppity cunt and refuse to rectify my curse, she can go to hell. At least I have Dragon and Neb to help me through this, there are so many times where I would've died if they weren't there to help, I'll look in this journal years from now and remember this, hopefully by then I will have used WAGED to do some good. For now though, I can only hope that things don't get dicey before we get to the forge of badassery but I don't wanna write too much about it because that could distract me and make things even worse. It's hard to write when I'm riding on Dragon's back who's flying as fast as hell especially with the freezing winds that I just can't get used to for some reason.

We've been flying for a really long time and I think we're getting closer to the forge of badassery since I'm starting to see a bunch of bright red floating letters in the sky, we're too far to see what they say though so I could be wrong. Dragon just told me that this is the place, the letters say "badassery" according to him but I have no clue how he can see those letters from so far away...Must be his avian vision.

They were rapidly closing the distance to the Forge of Badassery's entrance which was encircled with towering, golden spires which were emitting bright blue flames at a consistent rate. Smoke billowed from each of the gargantuan spires which somewhat shrouded the forge's octagonal brimstone entrance which was nearly the size of a small homestead. They noticed a small flurry of multicoloured sparks rapidly orbiting the cavernous entrance before a pair of beings levitated gracefully out of the chasm, a man of chiselled jawline and great muscle tone accompanied by a voluptuous bodied woman with hair aflame with colourful dyes. "I'm diving" Dragon said before lowering his flight pitch ever so slightly to initiate his landing approach, it took only a few seconds for them to touchdown.

"Wassup, we're the Mother and Father of all badasses" the woman said.

"I'm sorry, badasses? I thought there was only one" Neb said, his head tilted in an expression of confusion.

"That's a lie, there have been two of us from the start, how could we achieve maximum badassery with only one person? Ya can't, it was rhetorical" the man explained. Dragon sighed and rolled his eyes before finally taking note of his surroundings "just tell us what we have to do, we can't waste time" Dragon said, the Mother and Father of all badasses averted their gaze before huddling closer. They whispered softly for what felt like two full minutes before finally turning to face their visitors once again "I'll tell you what, if you can bring us a full pot of gold from a genuine leprechaun, we'll take you to the centre of the earth which is where the forge is" The man said.

"A leprechaun? I didn't think those things were real! Where could we possibly find one?" Dragon egregiously inquired. "Japan, we'll know if the pot is from a real leprechaun so don't pull a fast one on us!" The woman commanded. Dragon stroked his forehead in confusion, he faced Arnkatla

"Ever been to Japan?" Dragon asked, knowing that Arnkatla could only use her alchemy to travel to places she'd already been.

Arnkatla shook her head, Dragon sighed mellow-dramatically.

"Uh, Dragon, do you know how to get to Japan?" Asked Neb, to which Dragon replied: "nope, we've got our work cut out for us, hop on". Arnkatla then mounted Dragon's back once more, Neb followed and in a split second, they had taken flight once again.

I asked Dragon where we were going and he told me we're going back to the cartographer in the village to find out where Japan is, I hope it's not too far from here cuz I don't think I can stand this pain for much longer, it's starting to drive me crazy. We just got to the village cartographer, the building's walls are covered with huge maps that are rolled up to save space. Dragon was looking at the biggest map in there for a while and he told us that the only way to get to Japan is by going down this weird path where you're not allowed to use magic! That's so annoying, if anyone tries to get in our way, I'm gonna lose my damn mind so let's pray that no one does. I just looked at the map that Dragon put down and apparently, the entrance of the path that leads to Japan is in Mountaintown, the city where Leonidas used to live. The irony of that, I can't believe it man.

Dragon says that he needs to rest after flying for so long but he's gonna take us now anyway since my condition is "dire" that's what he says anyways... We've been flying for a while now and Dragon's starting to slow down, I hope that means we're getting closer cuz I can't wait any longer, I just wanna steal the pot of gold so we can go to the Forge of Badassery and get this over with.

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